Problems Down Their (girls only)?

Last night, I went to the bathroom and when I wipe myself I saw several bright red spots all over the tissue paper. I wasn't sure if it be my period or if I had problems down "at hand." So I asked people on here if I had my extent and they said it probably was and they said just to trade name sure I should wear pantyliner overnight but when I checked in the morning there be no blood. And now there isn't any blood. And two night previous to the night where I thought I have my first period I woke up in the middle of the darkness and had extreme stomach pains so I don't know if that means I DID hold my first period. Also, whenever I have discharge it irritates my skin and I didn't know if that would contribute to if I really did hold my first period or not.

Answers:    sounds like you enjoy a couple things goin on. the spotting sounds like your period coming. however the irritating discharge could be a yeast infection. anyone that you are so young, I wouldn't just snatch an over the counter remedy. go to your doctor to see EXACTLY is going on.good luck.
Listen dont verbs about it, when you first get your time its very weird its other changing. it is not regular. you can start spotting and than nothing can take place for a while! If you have any questions you should dance to GURL.COM and you can ask and find out any questions you have nearly period,sex or anything!

hope i helped!.
its probably basically spotting...i had that a lot past i gt my actual me, you will know when you get your actual extent you might have a problem maybe ask your doctor subsequent time you go.
but just wear a panty liner a short time ago in case

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