Pregnant or bladder infection?

Sorry I'm asking again because in the last post not a soul seemed to get what I be asking:
For the past few weeks or so Ive noticed I hold to use the bathroom alot more. A few weeks ago it was bareable and I didnt really think give or take a few it much, but lately, its been very striking. Last week I kept going to the bathroom ever 30 minutes, and now at night I seize up at least 3 times to use the bathroom. It doesnt hurt when I urinate or anything. Its not from drinking a lot of liquid because I dont drink alot like that. I mean I do drink river but I dont drink a WHOLE lot to have to pee as much as i do. I just needed to know if this happed to anyone and they were pregnant or was it a bladder infection? I know I stipulation to go to the doc, and I am, I just looked-for some opinions or experiences.
Basically what I want to know is do you think my frequent urination is pregnancy or a bladder infection? Its not bleeding AT ALL when I go! Thanks!

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If it were a bladder infection, near is usually a strong persistent urge to urinate with throbbing or burning and you only pass a small amount of urine.
An rash sign of pregnancy is frequent urination, especially at night. I would get a home pregnancy question paper kit and check that or make an appointment near your physician.Hope this helps:)

How frequent times?

Well I have a UTI right very soon and let me tell you since I got meds it was enormously painful to urinate. I would say that you perchance pregnant...I would take a test at home and see what it say. Or you could have something else wrong...but I would say that it is NOT a bladder would know if you hold that. Good luck.

Kinda embarassing...girls please answer dont chuckle!?

a bladder infection is normally the urge to go to the bathroom but cant . you anyone pregnant is possible but if the baby isnt but so large... i dont see how it could be making you enjoy to urinate... pregnancy and frequent urination is typically due to the fact that the baby is pressed up against the bladder and customarily happens when the baby get a certain might freshly have an over active should see a doctor to be sure though

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