My stomach hurts on the LOWER LEFT side. it come on suddenly second darkness. whats wrong beside me?

i wasn't doing anything. just walking. i could barely receive to sleep.
today it really hurt still all day it have hurt with no sign of stopping.
it hurts a little when i'm sitting but really hurts when i move around or lay down.
i really haven't strained my self, or lift anything heavy,
but i've had a discouraging cold for 2 weeks and have been coughing alot.
more rapidly i had diharea because of this pain cuz it made me perceive like i had to be in motion.
and i keep getting the stomach ache similar to your gonna get diharea but i haven't had it since faster.
it really hurts and i don't know why.

what do you think it could be?

should i call my doctor surrounded by the morning or wait a couple days to see if it goes away?

Answers:    its most imagined not your appendix because the pain would be on your right side like where on earth your hand would be if you put your hand surrounded by your pocket. I had a similar pain close to that a couple of months ago and it was also accompanied beside a cold/flu but my doctor said it was gastritis especially if your slightly having diarrhea. I would stir have it check out in the morning because if it is gastritis you may have need of antibiotics cause its normally cause by a bacteria called H. pylori..
My father have a problem like that and it turned out he had diverticulitis... you can also find problems like that if you have irritable bowel syndrome. I would form an appointment with my doctor if I were you. IBS is usually zilch more than an inconvinience, diverticulitis can cause some serious problems. it could be an ovarian cyst that burst, ive had those, within painful! i had to shift to the hospital two of the times just to make sure that be it, dont worry thought, alot of people jump through this..
It could be your appendix. If the pain keeps you awake tonight, I would conspicuously call your doctor in the morning. It could be gas.
Weere u running????? Abdominal/pelvic throbbing that is similar to that of period cramping may indicate a problem within a reproductive organ (like the pain around your ovaries or uterus).

This includes conditions such as endometriosis (when tissue from the uterus is displaced to somewhere else like the pelvic wall or ovaries), uterine fibroids (thick band of muscular and fibrous tissue in the uterus), ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer (rare), or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) infection of the reproductive organs, usually from a sexually transmitted disease.

If you have niggle in your ovary area, you might own an ovarian cyst. I have experienced that same type of pain whenever I hold had an ovarian cyst. I was also diagnosed near endometriosis last year which caused me severe pelvic stomach-ache and intense and painful period cramping.

Based on your symptoms and what you wrote, I would recommend that you should see your doctor/gynaecologist, only to rule out any serious causes.

Good luck :)

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