Am i prgnant??!!?!?

okay i know that when your pregnant you dont get ur period. buttt what if its approaching spoting and only a little bit for close to about 4 days. beucase i think i mite b pregnant. i really necessitate help=( ny advicce? and i cnt go get a preg. experiment cuse im only 15 almost 16 though. so i dnt drive and i cnt tell my mom or dad

I am thought similar to I am pregnant but enjoy have a try-out utter refusal. I am 3 days unpaid for my extent what do I do?

Actually, when you are pregnant some women still enjoy their periods and do spot. So that's wrong. You can be pregnant and have your time of year or spot. You're still young and at your age, you can have irregular period. The spotting can/could be from you having irregular periods. Your body isn't become fully grown yet and is still developing which can cause hormonal imbalance as well as skipped periods or irregular period. Meaning you skip a month and have it the next or only spot and have a heavy flow the subsequent month. Also, if you're having sex, you don't always bring pregnant BUT the chance is definetly there and by you have sex you're taking a high risk of getting pregnant. I hope you're using a form of protection because if you're not, then pregnancy is not your simply worry. You need to gain a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant or you can wait it out until subsequent month. If you don't think you're old adequate to have a baby, you should probably try other forms of sex. Such as oral or mutual masturbation. You can still catch pregnant, but not as likely. You can also still receive STDs, so you need to use protection. You shouldn't not speak about your parents. You need to at least try and communicate your mom. That way, you'll for 1.) Be open beside her 2.) She'll get you on birth control 3.) You won't be in as much trouble as you would be if they find out on their own. Your mom would be the best feminine to speak to, she might be mad but she'd be glad that you told her so she can help you prevent stuff from up. It's not like she is going to murder you for having sex. What's the worst that can crop up? You get grounded...or something of that matter. I've told my mom things and usually, she turns out not to be as wacky as I thought she would be. Just ask her not to tell your dad if you're worried about him. Another article, stressing out about being pregnant, will rationale you're body to actually think it is. Making you skip a extent or even just spot. Your body will react and try to get hold of ready for a pregnancy that ISN'T there. I'm not axiom you're not pregnant, because I don't know. However, the more you worry, the more likely that your body will cogitate you are IF you're not. So don't worry about it, try to give an account your mom at LEAST. And if not, then turn get a pregnancy test or find a Planned Parenthood approaching another person suggested. They can't tell your parents, its a privacy issue. Doctors can't any, so try scheduling an appointment and having a friend take you.

Depo shot?

Pregnancy symptoms include nausea, fatigue, rear pains, vomiting, missed period, etc. You need to describe your parents about it and have them seize you a pregnancy test because either opening they will find out, if you are pregnant. Wait 1 more week and if you have no symptoms of pregnancy I highly doubt your pregnant but you can buy a pregnancy try-out if you really truly believe your pregnant, but it's a waste of money and time if you have no symptoms of pregnancy. The assessment is only accurate about a week or two after you've have sex. If you don't have any pregnancy symptoms, you aren't pregnant. Spotting for 4 days doesn't mean you've missed your interval, you still had it and if you were pregnant you wouldn't own spotting at all. You shouldn't be having sex and messing around near boys at the age of 15. I really do hope your pregnant so that you can face the consequences and learn from your mistakes.


No it doesn't for sure suggest that you're pregnant. Missing your period doesn't mean you're pregnant. Spotting doesn't denote you're pregnant. If you really want peace of mind to know if you're pregnant or not, don't rely on clues that will scare you.

BUT...these things should not be disregarded.

From what I recall, places similar to Walmart don't have an age restriction to get pregnancy test. Why don't you start with that (even then, those aren't 100% accurate, but it's a start). I'd consult some clinics to enjoy them run an evaluation.

In my city there are free clinics for girls who think they're pregnant or want to be tested (Planned Parenthood). Perhaps there's on within your city too.

Don't be scared until you know for sure. I would advise you to recount your parents but...I know you probably won't follow that advice.

The troubles you have to buy and sell with for one moment's pleasure...

Best of wishes to you.

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How long has it be since your last period ? and how regularly do you ever miss a period? Periods have alot to do beside hormones and stress if you are stressing out it could be that and also not eating healthy can lead to you to skip a period ...It could just be in arrears and alot of teens are not "regular" until they are a lil older. It might be too early to put in the picture but what other symptoms do you feel ?

Correct weightiness?

You might be because thats a sign. I would tell your conservatory guidance conselour she can be really helpful in helping you take through this and she will help you tell your parents. Eventually your parents will call for to find out and its ok. Your parents might be shocked but everything will be ok
Everything happens for a reason!
Good luck

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ride the bus and move about get a test your antiquated enough to figure out how to do that. if your older enough to have sex than your ripened enough to face the consequences that you might be pregnant, although i doubt you are.

Haven't have my interval?

First you inevitability to have protected sex. Second how old is your boyfriend? Make him filch you and get it, it is his fault too. And yes you can bleed when you are pregnant, i.e. called implantation bleeding.

I would resembling to gain down to 145lbs by May 30th.?

if there is a Family Dollar close at hand you they sell pregnancy tests in attendance for only a dollar.. it's worth it to have a friend pick u up and appropriate you there or jump on a bike

Depo shot hell?

you could be. Go to an elder friend who can buy a pregnancy test for you. If you are prego tell your parents.

Anyone who have have a Hysterectomy PLEASE ANSWER?

merely tell your mom or dad to take you to find a test. or go cheeck at your university with health centers..

Does anyone know whatz wrong beside me? please comfort!?

Have someone achieve a test for you. You could possibly be.

Just wondering :)?

there is no other opening of finding need to get a preg theory test.

(Girls Only) Do you other touch "fat" while you are have your length?

take a pregancy test and consequently go from there...dont verbs yettt

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have you had sex? inhabitants get pregnent after sex.

How various empire?

and we cant tell if you're pregnant.
rob a freakin test
and STOP HAVING SEX at 15 years old.

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I'm Scared!!?
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