Is it the exercising?

Ok, so I am 15 and going into 10th grade. I haven't had my first term yet, and I've always be kind of small for my age. I didn't begin to progress through puberty until I was 12.5 but my mom had her first time when she was 12. As of now, I enjoy had discharge for about 20 months. For yesteryear three or four weeks, I have noticed tiny brownish spots surrounded by my underwear. I got them once a week, usually around the weekends. But this last week I enjoy been going to my schools tennis conditioning and tryouts everyday, twice a daylight. And I'm going to be going for the next two weeks until school starts. Conditioning is rash in the morning and we usually run a mile in lower than 10 minutes, then do drills and sprints, and then we do counterweight lifting and other exercises in the weight room. Then contained by the evening, I go back for actual tennis tryouts. We usually run around the courts twice, consequently stretch then we do different games and drills with the coaches or near a partner. I don't really mind exercising because I love tennis, but ever since I have been going to these things, I enjoy had anymore brown spots at all. I still own discharge though. And also, before I started going to tennis tryouts and conditioning, I weighed 95 pounds. Now I weigh 90. Is it because I hold been lost weight and be exercising that made me stop the spotting? And what can I do or eat that can counter-act all this exercising so that I can start spotting again? Tryouts and conditioning are mandatory so I own to go. Thank you.

Answers:    You are normal. Don't verbs about a thing. You are a tremendously active person and I conspicuously wish I could do all that! Just put away healthy God food and less processed food, and drink plenty of dampen. If you are doing weights too, I would make sure you get plenty of protein contained by your diet by eating nuts and eggs. When you do finally start, be sure to include lots of iron rich foods (salads) during your special week so you don't feel drained and blah!.
listen. You WILL gain a period. Some girls are just then than others. ENJOY IT. Anyone will tell you that you are LUCKY. Just keep doing what your doing and your body will develop at the rate that disposition intended. The two shouldn't be related in any way. Exercise hs no effect on the menstrual cycle.
The average age for the first term is 12, but the age can vary to as late as 19. .
No. Your body will do, what it is going to do i have the same problem.
all the exercise can conveyance what is happening in your body. when i go to the doctor because i hadn't gotten my period in a long time he asked more or less changes in diet and exercise. your body is newly responding to the changes and will get spinal column to normal. there is zilch you can do to induce them. they should start again. and it is normal to go up to something like age 14 with no period. adjectives bodies are different.
i'm sure everything is fine and i hope you have fun on the tennis team :)

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