Omg this suxss. girls merely plzzzz?

can 13 year old girls wear tampons?? i had get my period on Saturday and the most its bled is today at school! I antipathy it and also how long does it usually last for? And i really would like if they can wear tampons or which pad are the best type? help me please

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you may wear tampons, but remember your not alone, a ton of girls each light of day are getting their period and yes they are as bad as yours. so basically hold on their.

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You can wear tampons at any age after you get your period as long as you don't wear them for over 8 hours.
But I wouldn't wear them anymore than 6 hours basically to be safe.
Tampax Pearl are the most comfortable, and if you wanna just maintain wearing pads, I'd wear the brand Always (with wings, to prevent it from getting blood on your undies)
If you're asking how long a extent usually lasts, it varies from girl to girl, but they collectively last 3-7 days.

My period?

of course you can wear tampons at 13! my friend does. i wouldnt on your first time of year though, it would be uncomfortable the first time.

just wear big pad, and your period will last probably 2-5 days, but it vary, it could last a week, or only a morning (if your lucky!) dont worry, it is normal that you be heavy, it varies throughout your extent, but yeah, have a go near tampons if you feel you need to. basically dont wear them too long as of risks of tss.

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If it's your first period I wouldn't advise it. Plus, if it's really desk light you shouldn't. That's not what tampons were made for. I use one and I'm 13 but also, tampons can cause irregular period and all. My periods ultimate like from 3 days to 3 weeks. It's sooo weird. For tampons the resembling, Playtex sports are the best I think. But Tampax are painful, at lowest possible the original ones or whatever. They're cardboard and initiate like a rectangle. But for pads, it doesn't really thing what brand really. They all do the same entity.

Good luck! :D

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talk to your mother, aunt, sister, or another older woman who you trust. You could step to the school nurse if there isn't anyone else to collaborate to. Trust me she will be a great help! you can wear a pad or a tampon, merely read the directions for the tampon and it may take a few tries to get it purely right. your period can last anywhere from 3 - 7 days

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k, okay i would say, ask your mom about it. anyone can wear a tampon or wad too. it usally lasts between 7-9 days although since u just get it, there wont be that much bleeding. good luck!

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You should relay your mother and listen to hat she says k. but a time last for about 7 days but some girls own it for 5 days make sure you mark your calender too so you know when your extent comes

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i wore pads my first 2 months then i decieded to try tampones They are means of access better ... i was 13 .. just trademark sure your mom is ok with it .. mine lasts from 5-8 14 immediately

Will this WORK?? how long will it pocket!?

yes 13year old girls can wear tampons thats the age i started wearing them

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