If i masturbate will I pop my cherry??

If I masturbate will I pop my cherry and if i do break it, when I do have sex for the first time with my boyfriend know i broke it??

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he won't know.

and you will simply pop your "cherry" if you masturbate with an object to be precise long enough to pop it.

some women's cherry pops and they never even know

some women pop theirs and they bleed.

I gain really bloated the week past and the week of my spell. what is a honest instrument to mute or stop this?

If you dont know the facts and answers to that question, you probably should not be masterbating. You best look up a website and find out how to do it out of danger, clean and to avoid injury to yourself.
If you insert something vaginally far enough, yes, it will break, some girls enjoy even broken their hymen riding horses, and bikes or other strenous activities.
Some men think if you do not "bleed" the first time you own sex you are not a virgin.
Back in the old days if women have sex before they married and wanted to "fool" a investigational suitor, they would go to an old cajun woman and she would receive a false cherry out of chick blood, it was crazy, but back next they would hang the sheet out on the veranda the time after the honeymoon to show the woman was a virgin on her wedding darkness!
Glad we dont bide by those times any more!

Left foot more swollen afterwards right??

Your bf will definately not know you broke it. But I would definately think about sex i.e. really a big step in a relationship. I think it really depends on how you materbate. If you are using a vibrator or something approaching that then maybe. But definately believe about how big sex really is. I mean you never forget your first and if the relationship ends it can be really tough. If I were you I would wait for someone I really really really loved and someone that I unquestionably knew I would have a long relationship near.

Anyone know whats going on?

you may or may not, depending on how you do it... the hymen can break doing more than just masturbation... masturbation is healthy and completely common (i do it all the time and i am 18 and have be doing it since i was 12 lol)... and who cares if you broke it? masturbating will not bear your virginity, and the hymen is not a good measure of virginity, even though it is the social paradigm... and don't own sex till you are at least 15 or 16... you are way too babyish... email me if you need more info... cheers!

I am 14 years hoary and i enjoy NEVER have my term back.?

yes you can but you arent guaranteed to

and if you're having sex near him you should already have been honest almost him about what you do in your...uh...free time

dont sleep beside someone you cant talk about that near

For everyone who ever gain solidity on the depo. . how did you lose bulk after it?

Urm well you might break your hymen (sp)

But that means your still a virgin, cos youve gotta of have sex to 'pop your cherry' in that way.

And yes he might discern it but probs not think you did it.

I sometimes bleed after sex?

You are way too babyish if you don't know that you can't do it. Please use protection if you have sex. We don't need anymore teenagers have babies.

White vaginal nouns... why would that surface?

you may--- it does not matter-perhaps he may or may not.you can not be shure about this. how he can be

No time of year?

Depends what you use.
And, no he won't know.

Can girls cumm ?

he won't know

Do you find this ****** up?

u duno

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