My period?

I'm 16 years old and i had my first extent just before i turned 16 but i havent have another one since and im 17 in about 5 months or so. I aint pregnant any lol. Is there something wrong here?

My sister who is younger than me has hers and its not irregular.

What Just Happened?!?

Yes, this is completely conventional. Not only are periods irregular for almost the first two years, but after the first time, alot of girls won't get the next one for a few months or even up to a year. At that point they should start occurring more contained by a cycle, but still will not be regular in their timing. Not to worry, everyone is different. Just keep supplies with you because it might sneak up anytime. Best of luck.

I took this letoval final month to conceive but i could not concive what to do?

Listen up I had my first length when I was 10 sucks I know but after awhile I started to notice I wasn't have them so often and sometimes even for six months to year it turns out I had pcos which stands for poly cystic ovarian syndrome to top it stale I had thyroid disorder and this was at 16 yrs old-fashioned they put me on birth control pills to regulate it and also if you have been have sex already it can reak havoc on your periods as well as stress.

Signs of Period?

no requirement to worry...itz perfectly regular.

your periods would become regualy till you trun 18-19 and if after tha also you don't hv your periods regurly you should see any doctor or sexpert...

n don't verbs nothing is wrong with you!

A tampon issue! Please give a hand me?

you be late getting your period, usually take a year to regulate, you may want to talk to your doctor about this. There could be masses different reasons Poly cystic ovarian syndrome, good luck

Uhh Sex Question!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

Having irregular period when you first start is normal. I wouldnt worry roughly speaking it too much. If they dont return soon talk to your doctor, but dont worry too much. I am sure you are fine.

What Exactly is a condom?

my time was real irregular too;
i go to the doctor & he put me on birth control so it'll even out my cycles.

Hey guys, I am 20 years infirm. I am sexually stirring. I've be have brown discharge.?

it's normal to be irregular at first.

Abdominal dull pain after sex?

PCOS lend a hand and diet pleaseee?
This is pretty shameful... (girls only)?
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