My spell twice within one month?

I got my period a touch under 2 weeks ago, I just get it again!

BTW- I am 14

Whats going on?
I am a virgin if that makes a difference =]]

Still making kids are three!!?

If your not on birth control-
Its normal, it happen to most girls expecially when they are as young as fourteen, your new to your extent so your cycle may not be completly regular yet--Actually most womans cycles don't regulate until they have their first child.

If you are on birth control-
It may be that you missed a day or screwed up taking it, that stuff can mess beside your hormones if taken incorrectly

hope it helped!

Lost birth control pill?

you have irregular period. it just means your body is trying to numeral itself out. the longer you have your period the more regulated it will become. don't verbs. you may get them too close together or further apart but nothings wrong trust me

Any one else experience this while on Ortho Tricyclen lo?

sometimes it can mean you are stressed, or you might be on birth control and it really messes near you at first im not sure if your on it but a side affect of it is bleeding in between periods. also getting birth control might back you even out your period also.

Will giving birth to a child manufacture my existing cystocele obtain any worse?

i don't think person a virgin makes a deference but if u just get your period it might not be on a regular schedule all the same. Of it continues for more than a few months you should ask a doctor about it.

Ummm can someone(girls!) relief upset. and i dnt know what to do.?

Irregular periods,
I get them when I was 13/14, every now and afterwards 2 in one month
Can be caused by stress, or lately the fact that your young and havent be getting your period for THAT long

Normal Female horrible periods

Ladies - Sex Q for you!?

It can nick a while for your cycle to normalise into a regular pattern at your age. You may get them too close together, or further apart. This will stabilise eventually.

Pill AND cancel method?

sometimes ur body is faster than authentic time, ur body can think its the next motnh already, but nil to worry about

HeAvY blood clots, menopause! Help??

It scheme you are really not pregnant.

Once a month discomfort:(?

Iits pretty common to have it be irregular similar to that at your age. If you're concerned though, you should go see a gynocologist.

Period Question? Girls just!?

periods do not regulate until you enjoy it for awhile

I found a few bumps on my breasts, could it be breast cancer??

I believe it means that ur not pregnant.

Vaginal hysterectomy?

When you are younger and just a year or 2 into getting your time of year [can be more], it can be irregular.
This is completely normal so stop stressing.

Help please? A request for information for girls ..?

that your hormones are a little out of whack. Don't verbs it happens.

I'm emotion tired adjectives of a sudden?

don't worry it's common.

Health Help?? (not in the region of me) appreciate?

that shouldnt make a diff

sometimes stress does this kind of entry to me

Ortho tri cyclen, is it not dangerous, will i achieve pregnant?

yeh it sux hey it happens there is nought wrong with you unfortunately this wont be the second time this happens.

Essential for 15 year matured girl!?

well shift see a doctor.. gyn

Feeling sick through the day's?

it's normal
it's the hormones
don't worry, the elder you grow the more spread out time there is going to be.

I'm startin' to win serious headache,what should i do?

actually it shouldn't crop I'd see a Dr... you're never too young to learn around your body and the way it's supposed to act...

Which laser?

you know you enjoy two ovaries right

Can adjectives you guys AND girls present me some tips. please dont feel this is innapropriate.?

Am I pregnant or is it menopause? I necessitate your aid!?
Pink .?
Mom's input please!?
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