Periods, and birth control grill
would birth control fix that? cuz i heard that birth control regulates your periods.. is this true?
no I'm not pregnant and i am a teen, i haven't started excersizing more or smaller amount. and i haven't had a drastic change surrounded by diet. but i am stressed.
also if you smoke cigarettes will that have an issue with birth control?
Answers: -Yes, birth control will fix this.
-Smoking increases the rate of possible blood clots, you shouldn't smoke if you are on Birth Control
-There are places resembling planned parenthood, or free clinics that i think can grant you free or super cheap birth control.
-They Gyno cannot tell your mom that you aren't a virgin. This breaks the patient-doctor confidentiality, and they will get fired.
If you are have a lot of trouble with your length, talk to your family doctor and they can prescribe you birth control suited to your requests.
Good Luck! .
stress plays a VERY important role on when your period comes and go, it can make it very past due!...and I heard different about birth control im not on it nor every will be but i get friends on it, it dident regulate it, it throws it off worse they never know when there going to bring it.
and they also smoke so it might have an affect with your term and birth control.
but it shouldent have much affect.
When I was 16 I be still having very irregular period so I went onto the Pill (Micogynon 30) and my pills were close to clockwork.
I came on the same light of day every month at 11am on a Saturday.
Smoking isn't good when you're on the pill, especially if you're over 35.
So if you do go on it speak about your doctor that you smoke.
Birth control should regulate your periods. That is the sole reason I am on the pill. Also, you should NOT smoke while on the pill, it increases your risk for a blood clot, which can be natural life threatening. Don't think you're too young for that, you're not. (You shouldn't smoke anyway). You should NOT smoke and use birth control. That puts you at a high-ranking risk for cancer and heart problems. Birth control will help regulate when you get your interval and help make sure you bring back it at the same time each month..
yes, birth control will regulate your interval, and it's a good thing to look into, but there's nought wrong with not having one any, so if it doesn't bug you, don't bother.