Women And Girls ONLY?

My name is Madison and I'm 9 and i live my father and i have NO women around...my legs are getting fuzzy PLEASE HELP !!
I haven't had my period...should i start shaving nonetheless
I Afraid to walk outside in anything Short


Is this conventional?

Some of us gals are of late hairier than others. I have dark hackle and got a lot when I be your age. It has nothing to do near when your period starts. My little girl is 6 and has woolly legs like Mom! lol. If it really bugs you, you can just borrow one of your Dad's razor and use soap first. You can get "shaving lotion" later. Just run slow. It won't affect how much hair you have surrounded by the future either if ya start shaving presently. If I was you, I'd just permit it go. It's not that big of deal. Good luck to you.

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honey it's okay! escess spike growth is a stage in puberty. you can choose to shave your legs, or not. msot people see balding legs as more attractive, and better hygeine, but you won't be discriminated or treated differently if your legs are hairy.

and having your term has nothing to do next to it. so yes, if i were you, i would try shaving my legs, but don't feel approaching you're forced to do it because you're nervous or unsure. :]

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I didn't start shaving my legs until middle school. I muse that is about middle-of-the-road. Ask some of your friends at school, but I know that when I was 9, nobody shaved their legs but. I wouldn't be worried at all. If you really want to shave, you can buy Nair, which is a cream that will dissolve the hair so that you don't hold to worry about adjectives yourself on razors.

=) Love from a teen

Any conclusions from these symptoms?

Hey Madison...
I remember being your age and matching thing happened to me.My mom thought I be too young to start shaving my legs.The hair on my legs be blonde,so,it didn't look too bad,but,my girlfriends were already shaving theirs.
Do you surface like you can talk to your dad something like it? Are you embarrassed to? You know...he knows something like all that stuff that young girls hold to go through,so,you don't have to verbs about shocking him.
If you're going to be in duplicate situation...just having your dad to discuss to about things,you might want to start confiding in him,getting used to unfolding him things.I'm sure he wants to help you within everything you need.
In the meantime,it's hard to convey you to start shaving.Once you start,you have to continue,it's greatly aggravating and a mess.
You need to stay a little girl as long as you can,sweety,and that's piece of it.Try to have it in your mind that adjectives young ladies your age are going through the same article and be proud of your body It's not gross to have hair on your legs at nine...it's innate...and since it's natural,that makes you lovely.
You can start by letting your legs get some sun,getting a nice tan on them,and keeping a nice lotion on them to form them soft and pretty.Please don't feel embarrassed around it.
You'll look back someday and wish you be nine all over again and not have to budge through all the stuff us older women enjoy to.
My name is Melinda,I'm 51,I have a grown daughter and a impressive daughter that is your age. I'm also a nurse...so,if you'd ever like to speech.or anything.feel free to email me at lollymelinda(a)yahoo.com.
Stay sweet,precious.


I think your for a while too younge. wait until the hair is really noticable resembling i'm 11 and i still haven't started shaving yet even though i have pubic and underarm spine. I'm waiting until it's a brown-dark brown and i suggest you do the same

Female vagina?

You dont have to own a period to start shaving. You are going to have to gossip to your dad about it because he is the one that wil have to buy you quill removal cream. Nothing to be ashamed about.

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First ask your dad...Tell him that you don't feel comfortable wearing shorts b/c of the spike on your legs and that if you could shave..Don't do it without his permission...okay...
If he say yes...please becareful doing it... and not to cut yourself...good luck...

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Ask a trusted female friend or a relative approaching an aunt or older cousin

When does puberty properly fall?

My mothers rule was that I have to had hair underneath my arms before I was aloud to start shaving.

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newly explain to your dad the situation i KNOW he will understand and help you out! you basically gotta ask!


yes should shave. buy go razor

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