My first time have sex && it burned?

i just had sex for the first time && it burned especially bad
even after the 2nd && 3rd time it still hurt && burned
&& when he pulled out it would burn for hours
why is this happening?
will it stop?

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Do not be on top. Try missionary becuase it creates smaller quantity friction and he penetrates less deeply. Try to pocket it slower, and try to communicate it to him how your feeling, take time to relax so you can heat up up some, try some foreplay, and when you've done it more times, you'll be less tense give or take a few. You want to get to the point where you are anticipating a pleasurable idea rather than burning pain. Your first time is a big accord so can be stressful, relaxing will help.

I havent come on my interval this month whys that I own speical requirements and I cant transmit mum?

Did you use lube? If you don' thave enough, it can burn. Just use plenty of lube (lots of it, seriously) and do woman on top so you can dance as slow as you'd like. It does kind of burn a touch bit anyway because the muscle is stretching but that usually goes away.
If he used a condom, it may have be the spermacide or latex of the condom, though.

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well kiddo, all of us at firt time will get the impression that burning sensation in the first 3 - 5 times, but don't worry, the more you do it the more it will smaller amount pain and the last item you will know you will enjoy it everytime you have it.
Asking your bf to do some foreplay since will help you a lot to lubricate.
Oh by the agency don't forget to ask him to wear a condom if you guys are not yet ready to hold kids.

Body question.?

Yeah that sounds pretty normal. Sounds like your body wasn't slightly ready for ur mans entrance. Try have some foreplay and a bit of lube. O make sure its the regular lube not the warming because omg that stuff burns. Just confer it sometime and your body will loosen up.

Is it true that if you thieve birth control shots, that theres a coincidence it will mess up your hormones and..?

it was burning because you werent lubed up enough past you started having sex, it will stop in a couple of days but until consequently it will burn alot, especially when you go to the bathroom ;) good luck

Can you injure your cervix next to a medicinal applicator?

Was he wearing a condom? You conceivably allergic to laytex. Or was spermicide use? That can cause burning
But most women voice that the 1-5 time of sex hurts like a mother fcker

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