Is it true that if you run birth control shots, that theres a fortune it will mess up your hormones and..?

the girl can't have kids for the rest of her life? Just curious, hear of it somewhere.

Is this a unexpected length from morning after pill or could i be pregnant?

YES! Depo is awful! If you are on it, GET OFF OF IT!


Birth control shot is called Depo.. Yes it can mess with your cycle because depo is hormones.. It is given every 3mths but once you stop taking the shot you can categorically get pregnant with no problem if you can't later there is something else going on

How should a feminine pop her cherry in need it hurting or using a penis?

I was one it... for a while...

There is other a chance of anything really... But it has be tested on people, and i'm sure if it had those kinda side effects they wouldnt grant it out, not without the person knowing.

I have a horrible experience beside a hysterectomy and I still cry and attain so cracked?

Thats how birth control works, it messes near the hormones.

Ladies--how normally do you use a douch to verbs that nouns...or do you even use douches ever?

maybe but the other side effects arent worth it either. stick to pills!

When i orgasm i get hold of a headache contained by my stomach and a desperate cramp straight away?

Women solely please!!?
Help! can I grasp preganant?
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