My closing extent be on the 16th of March, still havent get my period the urine testing still shows as unenthusiastic, I

I feel I may be pregnant this time but not sure as Im getting my normal interval pains enlargement of breasts, pain contained by the lower back and front area merely below the abdomen mostly towards the left, headache and feeling of hunger, all these syptoms r customarily when I used to get my periods.Now I also grasp some kind of discharge, trickling down, its a v v light yellowish discharge. Its be 35 days and over, Im actually stressed out now totally and waiting for the month to win over, and then take a blood assessment as I read there is a qualitative and quantitave blood test. Please support if I may be pregnant. My mother said she used to get her periods when she be even 4 months pregnant, I did read about this on the internet but regardless of this I want to know if these r the symptoms of pregnancy. Thank you for your previous answers as well, they intended a lot to me.

Vagina - the labia i have an idea that its call ..?

Yes, it's possible that you could be pregnant but I would recommend getting in touch beside your doctor as well to see what they say.

Need minister to next to womanly problem?

Wtf is up next to him?
Im really dizzy, am i ok?
Hmmm I don't know what to speak to this.?
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