Deprovera shot?

I got the depo shot in january. And presently for the past 3 to 4 weeks I have be having my period. I am kinda worried, and wondering if it will ever stop on its own?? But I cant really be in motion to the doctor considering I was just in that and my parents would question me. Also my parents dont know that I am on the shot and if they found out I would be in **** so i really dont know what to do? Any suggestions?? and dont recount me to go to my parents its not going to happen

Women beside low sex drives! How do you do it??

depo is the devil-youve ****** yourself over and im not trying to be mean-i did it to myself too. do not get it again, switch to pills.

To ask a ques?

If you got the Depo surrounded by January, you should have had your second shot by in a minute. You're supposed to get the injection every 3 months. The bleeding returns if you don't get your shot every 3 months on the dot, and usually comes fund with a vengeance, which it seem like what's happening to you. You will own to go back to the doctor and start the shots over again.

If you can't deal with frequent trips to the gyn because of your parents finding out, you may want to consider a different form of birth control. What about the pill, or even something more permanent, approaching Implanon?

Hymen lend a hand?

I was on the depo shot for almost 5 years...
for the first year I still got my extent though not as regularly.
Then for the next 4 years I didn't get it but still have occational breakthrough bleeding.
Then towards the end I started getting irregular periods some of which last a long time 10-14 days of pretty heavy bleeding.
This is when I decided to stop and switched to another form of birth control.

Over adjectives it was a good exp. I loved not getting my interval and never realized how much I hated it until I started getting it again every month! lol.

But after a while I feel like it was messing next to my hormones too much and felt I had to quit.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure in attendance is anything you can do other than wait it out. I would give the name the dr. and see if you can talk to her and find out if they think it is mandatory for you to come in or not just to be on the undamaging side. (3-4 weeks is a long time)

Good luck.

Vaginal Disharge & very soon Foul Oder??

Depo provera treats a majority of women on it pretty harshly.

I would not get the subsequent shot at ALL.

I was on it, and I never will get on it again and do not recommend it to anyone.

Read the reviews near and google "depo provera lawsuit".

Is this happining to anyone else?

I have been on the shot for two year and it will mess beside your cycle for about 6 months or so. I experience the same item, I wouldn't worry to much.

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