Ladies, do you gain this regularly?

My breasts have been extraordinarily sore for about 2 months now. I own lumpiness in them and I have misery in my pelvis. I'm sure I'm not pregnant but I have be in so much pain. On a extent from 1 to 10 the pain would be a 7 when not being touched and a 10 when someone hugs me or when I'm getting dressed! My breasts are swollen too. The stomach-ache in my pelvis happens from time to time when I bend over or when lying down.
What's going on!

I know I should jump to the doctor but I want to see what you guys think first. Thanks.

Answers:    No one knows your body but you. I haven't experienced those symptoms instinctively, unless around the time Aunt FLOW is here. But I'm a woman. There are so many strange things going on out here GO TO THE DOCTOR. They can tell you best. If it's zilch then relax, but to catch anything it is bothering you early is always righteous. Every woman deals differently with stress too..
wow, you should seriously dance to the doctor, or maybe even the emergency room like today. that's really serious. If your breasts are lumpy and swollen, that's a big deal. If there's something seriously wrong it needs to be caught sooner to some extent than later. A few weeks could really make a huge difference contained by your health. the brest thin have happend to me but it wassn't so severe their was no sweeling but they were sore my mom said that my milk duts i reflect thats what you call them were growing you should deffienatiely see a doctor asp..
oo 7 when not anyone touch and 10 when having a hug ouchh.. for two months.

yes i agreed with everybody, you should really step to the doctor, this is pretty serious.

Good Luck.
well I once had lumps contained by my breast but when i went to the doctor they told me it was of late from to much caffeine, but two months is way to long.
Well i think first of adjectives to tell a doctor or maybe a loved one so that you won't grain lonely on the subject anymore..
For heaven sake girl go to a doctor!

jump to a doctor. yes, I get it often.
i'm not trying to panic you, but it could be breast cancer. but u might have an infection in your body.

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