If this is my shoering routine, am I resembling..um...really verbs?

This is my routine when I shower:

1)Jump in the shower
2)Wash body with flannel and soap
3)Shampoo curls
4)Rinse and then condition hair
5)rinse down and then rinse body once again
6)Dry body using clean towel
7)Apply Dove deodrant and apply body lotion
8)Spray Impulse New York scent onto body
9)Get dressed

Thats what I do every morning. At dark I do the same but I dont apply spray. And I dont wash my ahir every light of day.

Whats ur routine like ppl? Just curiuos! ...x

Answers:    Yay y0u are a very verbs pers0n :]

i sh0wer every niqht...my r0utine is..

1) get in sh0wer
2) wipe my b0dy with s0metimes s0ap, s0metimes shower gel & sp0nge :]
3) rinse myself
4) wash fuzz with 2in1 shampo0&c0ndition0er, brush thr0uqh hair next to wide to0thed c0mb
5) rinse
6) i take my perfume 0ff with the water 0n my obverse as it is eveninq ;]
7) shave if needed
8) dry myself with t0wel
9) t0wel dry my hair
10) s0metimes i bl0w-dry it, 0thers i consent to it dry naturally
11) spray with de0
12) put 0n pj's

You are a unbelievably clean person! Yay! (^^)

i get hold of in the shower, rinse off for almost 5 mins, shampoo my hair, condition, leave within the conditioner for a while, rinse, scrub with flannel and soap, stay in a few minutes to breed sure all soaps gone, get out and dry sour, put on antipersperant and dress.
All that takes me about 15 to 30 minutes X3.
seem slightly excessive yes, if you had said you didnt do the same on a dark and it was just the once a year then i would say yes you are impressively clean but not over the top Pretty much exactly the same but past no.2 i cleanse & exfoliate my face. I use different products too..Dermalogica for skin/face, nivea deodorant and anna sui perfumes.
yes I can read out that you value personal hygene greatly.Just wish some empire I work with did the same LOL who knowz

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