Girls abet please!? Thanx?

I was just wondering I am 12 presently and have been shaving my underarms for approaching a year but I just took the razors from the bathroom minus anyone noticing but there is none gone now and I really need to shave grounds we do swimming in school and I obligation 2 before we start back so I will probably obligation 2 buy them myself cause my mom doesnt no I shave so what is the best thing to get hold of: hair removel cream or razors?

Answers:    I vote go with razor because some of those hair removal creams can burn your skin, especially the sensitive part of your underarm. You could other just tell your mom that you own been shaving your armpits and since you are at the age of hitting puberty, I think she would appreciate. My favorite razor is the "Soleil" razor by Bic, and you can use the cut-throat a few times before having to make over the blade. .
Why don't you just tell your mom? Just mention to her that you requirement razors, she probably won't ask any questions. And it'll create things a hell of a lot easier on you, especially in the long run. Or, if that seem too scary, just hang about until your parents buy more razors, if you think that'll ever come to pass. Orrr, you could buy razors yourself, if you live closeby to a gorcery store or pharmacy or something. Yeah, you're 12.
She knows what stirring, or suspects it soon.
She's just probably wanting to save a grotesque talk.
When you go to the store, or when she does, ask for some.
You don't enjoy to go into detail or anything.
Just a Mom I need some razor.
Being 12, its about time for that and shaving your legs and such. Don't worry.

But, if you're set on buying them yourself, razor will be easier. Removal cream is odd, and has a unnatural smell. Someone will notice that. .
I find that my armpits are too sensitive to handle the cream stuff. Stick next to razors if that's what you like. You can try curls removal cream, but make sure it's not before something considerable, because it can leave you irritated, itchy, or red. Sweetie, please talk to your mom. She will probably buy you a blade because believe me she understands. Hair removal cream for underarms is kind of low so you are better off for the time being only shaving with a good shaving gel (like skintimate for instance). Hope this help!.
i would use the cream. you won't cut yourself on it. it can really hurt when you get even the tiniest of cuts!

or you can get these mini razor which are for your bikini line, but i have used these lower than my arms and i have never cut myself on them.

talk to your mum. im sure she will get the message..
lol my sister did the same thing she told my mom and my mom embedded...but she didnt have the courage to tell so up utill she did i get razors for her from m dad... =] it was funny...but of cours yur mom will appreciate she was young too !
=] obedient luck and dont be afraid!! =] Talk to your mom. Trust me, no mother wants their daughter to be embarrassed by unsightly underarm pelt. I myself have had no luck near the creams and lotions, so I recommend razors..
You need 2 tell 2 your mom. If your shaving than your starting to go through puberty. Your mom can help you trademark the best decision for you. I dont think your mom would own a problem with you shaving if you talk to her something like. Then that way she can buy you the razors.
At Your Age I Think You Should be getting razor
and Be telling your mum !
Because you want to be honst with her almost how your growing up and coping with it so she understands..
Razor for you underarms. I would suggest the Venus Breeze. For legs I first used Nair but it took to long and smelt really discouraging. At your age I would stick with the razors. With fleece removal products, you'd want to try several before choosing one that you think is best..
Just speech to your mom.
Get razors. i find hair removal creams dont work for me si i prefear razor but they can be rough u cud go to a salon and get wxed and itl lasy for 4 weeks im sure if u communicate ur mum she wont mind

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