Is this common?(woman single plz)?

My period was supposed to be on 4/11 but it never come. I've never had sex so i'm not pregnant.what could it be?

Prolonged length for 5 weeks?

A lot of the time young girls who freshly got their period don't enjoy 'dependable cycles' for the first couple months or even up to a year. Your body's adjusting to your tempermental uterus. Give it time, and your cycle will start working like a finely oil clock. In the mean time, enjoy the break!

I took a prenancy audition and it's positive, I call the doctor right away however they set my appointment for

if you lately started, your periods tend to be irregular. it may take 2-3 years for them to be regular

but for, then
if you are an athlete, then in that is a problem called "female althete triad"
also stress, hormone level, diet, sleeping pattern, weight loss/gain, weakness (colds, flu, and etc)
Poor nutrition
Certain drugs
Extreme weight loss
Ongoing illness
Thyroid gland disorders
hope this help
also talk to your doctor and mother about this too

Transvaginal ultrasound?

Stress, freight, hormone level, or if you just started it, they are usually totally irregular. it can take up to a year or more for a girl to get another time.

(pre-)menopausal withdrawal of life.?

this problem was like mine. Periods can come on diffrent times. it depends on what date ur end one was.I was worried to but it will eventually start. Trust me me and my mom have this talk.Well talk to u l8r Ty. Hope i be helpful.

Warning..TMI oral?

your first year of your period is tremendously unnormal for some people, so you probably just enjoy a late period. i kno a girl who have had her period for a year and have had is 4 times! so i think u r purely fine!

Chubby stomach..worseee read//////1//122//2..?


Change in diet

Unbalanced hormones

& more. .

Ask your doctor.

Pelvic rest after miscarrage.?

Most likely it is of late stress. If regularity is imprtant go on the birth control pill, otherwise try not to worry.

Discharge while on Metronidazole Vaginal Gel?

Stress, wieght loss or gain, hormones. If you miss it three months within a row you should go see an GYN

This press is for women just...(pubic stuff)?

put kecup on the pad

Pleaseee! embarassing query!!??

-too much physical amusement (are you in sports?)
-period just mortal stupid, especially if you are young (sometimes it is off within the first couple of years, even if you are on a pretty regular schedule)
-extreme weight loss

Boob sucking nice?

Ive be on my extent for two weeks any medication that will stop the bleeding within 24hours?
Pain during sex, not a virgin.?
No spell contained by 9 months? im not pregnant.?
  • Can anyone answer this??
  • Period Question?Help!?!?

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