I took a prenancy exam and it's positive, I call the doctor right away however they set my appointment for
Answers: Nope, there is severely little to do in the early stages, and you must remember that women own been having babies next to little of no interference from the medical profession since we lived in caves. Routine use of vitamins have always been largely frowned on in pregnancy, and I am sure the latest interest surrounded by the potential harm vitamins can do will reinforce this. ( Though a lot of concern around there use has be well known for lots years!- see some of my older answers about vitamin supplements.)
The routine use of iron within pregnancy so prominent when I was training, has long be abandoned. This only leaves folic sharp. If you were given pre-natal counselling you will already know that this has it's greatest potential protective effects against neural tube defect if taken pre-natally, and it is sold over the counter in pharmacies for this purpose. If you have not be taking this contact the practice Midwife or Health Visitor who will advise you.
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Do not panic.They won't do the first ecography until you are 12 weeks pregnant...As for a diet.a short time ago eat normally,fighting fit food...plenty of vegetables,fruit,meat,fish...avoid fattening food and do some exercise (walking is good for the pregnancy)
You do not need prenatal vitamins if your diet is pious.
Just follow your doctor indications.They know what they have to do.
I saw my doctor when I was 5 weeks pregnant within both pregnancies.Everything will be OK.
But if you feel you have to see a doctor sooner than a month time because you've get questions to ask,don't hesitate and do it.If it have to ease your mind,make another appointment.You hold to enjoy the pregnancy from the very beggining and avoid anyone ancious,for you and your baby.
Do what you think is best.
Good luck next to the pregnancy
Keep healthy!
The first trimester is very historic. I don't understand why your doctor scheduled your appointment so delayed. They're probably going to do a blood test to make sure you're really pregnant and how far within the pregnancy you are. One of my friends is pregnant and I think she's 8 weeks into the pregnancy. Her appointment was made for the following week. You should call for another office and see if they can have you come sooner for an appointment.
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In our nouns, the midwives only do the antenatal booking (i.e. first appt) at 8-10 weeks. The Drs in my practice tend to look after the permitted paperwork side, e.g. confirming pregnancy etc. However the home tests these days are extremely accurate so unless you want a certificate for work, this won't apply. Make an appt to see one of the practice nurses to talk in the order of prenatal stuff. She should be able to advise you on the concerns you express within your question. You're right in that in that are quite a few things to be aware off, including taking folic sour etc.Thats normal. Take your vitamins - thats just logical.
You can read in the order of the do's and dont's of eating while pregnant.
It's a different world now near so many people have access to information.
It is really your responsibility to educate yourself - not the docs. Unless there be a problem of course.
Only ppl who know just about incontinence can answer plz?
Try calling the surgery and explaining that your a first time mum and you'd really like some warning and reassurance as to what you should do for the best. If for some reason they can't give you an appointment near a dr, then ask to see the nurse, or maybe even ask if there's a neo-natal class somewhere.Good luck near it hun and congratulations!
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with my first pregnancy i got booked surrounded by straight away to see the midwife just for routine checkup, weight etc later saw her every other week. ive just found out im pregnant again and they dont want to see me till next month! i no near your first they do tend to be more cautious so i would fone them if you're not happy, i dont even no when i concieved as i havent have a period since i came bad the pill so assumed they would have booked me in 4 a dating scan?!! without a doubt not! good luck : )Question more or less period/ovulation?
When my friend's Mum got pregnant, she call the doctor and he scheduled for the next daylight. That's a little strange...Maybe you should consult another doctor to see what they say...
If you are discomfited with the length of time you hold to wait to go see the doctor, by adjectives means call someone else.
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