Is the perfume past the worst?

Is it safe to wash your downstairs beside scented body wash? Is the perfume desperate for you?

Answers:    Perfumed soaps and bodywashes can be very irritating to the genital area. Some women may enjoy no problems, while others may experience burning or itching after using them. Irritation caused by perfumed bodywashes may put you at risk for a bladder or yeast infection.

In broad, you are better off using a gentle cleanser next to no perfumes or dyes in your genital nouns. Better yet, use plain water..
It isn't bleak. But it can irritate your skin. That is one of the reasons women get vaginal infections. I suggest you not use the fragrant body wash "downstairs". Good Luck Not really, but it'll burn if you get it surrounded by the "you know where.".
It's not bad for you but it can irritate your skin.

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