Is 190lbs too curvy for a 5'9" woman?

My BMI is way too high but I don't imagine I look obese or anything and I'm pretty critical of myself. This past week when I went to the psychiatrist and he took my plane and weight, he said that 190 wasn't bad even though every website I've looked at is insisting anything over 165 is too much. I'm confused. Any other 5'9" women over 165 out near who don't feel fat?

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i am 5'9 and i go to the dr last week and got weigh at 208. i feel too fat, but i own felt fat my undamaged life even though now when i look rear legs at pictures i absolutely was not. i enunciate No your not too fat, but you could loose weight if you needed and still be healthy. im hoping to loose a lot of immensity this summer since ill be camping deeply. i suggest eating healthy and working out to bring back your bmi lower, and dont be so critical. i know its hard, but im sure your beautiful.

What would appear if.?

your probly a short time ago muscular
bmi sucks it puts me in the overweight catorgory too
im 5'7 and wear a size 8 jean i weigh 160
i dont think im obese

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Some bodies hide fat better than others. The BMI findings update us that you will have a longer, healthier natural life if you get your BMI down to 24 or less. Why skirmish it?

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Unless you are a bodybuilder, it is probably too heavy.

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Sorry I am 5' 9". weight is 150 and I could lose another 10 lbs.

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