Im tired adjectives the time!?

Recently ive become really tired all the time and been getting headache, i do have glasses but they broke a while vertebrae and havent got them fixed yet. Is it because of that? Ive also looked up things and its comes up next to stuff like brain tumors, and apparently flying makes them grow faster and im due to fly out to australia contained by january, but luckely not flying back were moving near. I think im over reacting abit but obligation sum reasurance.

Answers:    first is there any chance of pregnancy?
second you definitly do not hold a brain tumor. you would know if you had a brain tumor trust me.
and the glass's might give you a headache if you involve them enough.
are you sick? anemia or mono?
thats all i get hope i helped..
Not wearing glasses when you entail them causes your eyes to fatigue and feel tired and specifically can cause headaches! Get your specs fixed! If it's a minor thing you can buy little kits at WalMart or Walgreens that own a little tiny screwdriver, some nose pad, and little screws in them. Also if you appropriate your glasses back to where on earth you got them they may fix them for free. you could be dehydrated or not getting ample carbohydrates, look at some of the things you eat and ask yourself if its going to be enough to win you through your day, and i believe getting headaches from not wearing goggles is normal, if you are suppose to wear glasses that is to say (but dont take my word for it, i dont wear glasses)

head rushes or person in charge aches are a sign of dehydration.
is there a occasion of pregnancy?tiredness is a sign of pregnancy,if not then hold you started or stopped birth controll pills recently?a side effect of them is headaches!
its most probably your diet or time of the month,i doubt its anything to verbs about!goodluck x i am sure that it may just be the specs. it is very very unlikely that you own a brain tumor. go get your goggles fixed and maybe take a vitamin or something..
First of adjectives get your glasses back-that's probably cause the headaches. Then-start taking iron pills for anemia-that's probably why you are tired. These pills can make your poop indisputable hard though so make sure to also eat lots of fruit! hows your red meat intake, persistant tiredness is generally a sign of low iron levels.. im sure you dont hold a brain tumour!!.
you prob have anaemia! go ge checked!

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