Thyroid?? Does it ruin relationships or is it me..

THYROID?? The cause for a break up from a 2yr relationship.
I just only just got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and around alike time I started losing interest in my man of 2yrs.. I was in good spirits with him had lone small complaints here and there, now I'm getting annoyed near almost everything he does, fighting with him alot more than common and not careing to much about sex which is CrAzY for ME... Also finding other men very much more actractive than him in a minute! And don't know why; could it be the thyriod?? I know it effects sex drive, mood, eating habits and more but is it really satisfactory to ruin my relationship or am I just OVER him???

Answers:    I have this, and i know right immediately i'm impossible to get along with. I'm exhausted, depressed, anxious, and a short time ago plain miserable. I just got diagnosed, so i haven't have a chance for the meds to kick within yet. This definitely can affect the agency you feel, so i would guess it might have something to do beside your relationship. Or maybe as you said, it could be time to move on. Do what will product you happy :-).
yes hyperthyroidism can cause absence of interest, mood swings, unexplained anger and a lot of other things. If your currently on meds, you shouldn't be getting problems so i would see your doctor, you may need a highly developed dose or there maybe something else. If your not on meds consequently that could be your answer, if you have insurance, i would see your doctor and get them to prescribe something. Good Luck. Ok, one of previous lovers had this condition, and when she lost her insurance and went bad her medications due to changing job, for a few months she was insane to the point where i told her that we needed a break, until she be able to take her medication again, was not very pleasant. However it took a few months and by later she was drinking and driving often. and that's stripe i won't mess with..
I would say no.

Hyper way you have an over active usually resulting within weight loss, trouble sleeping, sweats.. ect

It might give you a shorter ill will only because your moving as a faster speed. something akin to being hyperactive.

I would utter you have been to his puppet show and see all the strings.. and now want to step play with some other puppets...
If you are properly medicated for your condition you should have no symptoms. So, achieve some meds if you haven't already and see how you feel. I really feel for you - I go through hell 2 years ago with hyperthyroidism and so did my poor hubby of 16 years - he nearly walked out the door - and I don't know why he didn't.

I didn't want sex at adjectives and felt I didn't like him, I also took adjectives my anger out on him. I would have been relatively happy for him to walk out the door.

I really didn't prudence much for anyone's company though and felt they had a problem - when it be me all along who had the problem.

Hyperthyroidism affects adjectives your emotions and you will suffer from anxiety and be iritable. Mood swings are immense at times with this plus overheating, cause by the condition makes you all the more annoyed.

Please get hold of help from your GP - now that I am stable 'euthyroid' I realise I do love my husband and natural life is good again.

Only you can decide if your relationship is over - sorry.

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