I'm 15yrs. antiquated and I receive drunk every weekend, is this wrong?

I'm 15yrs old, turning 16, in status 10 and I get drunk with my friends every weekend. I smoke weed conceivably once a week or every two weeks. I have 3 best girl friends that I do this partying with and they're adjectives the same age as me, but when we party and find drunk it's usually with grade 12's, 18yrs prehistoric, or even people who graduated final year, 19yrs old, all fundamentally guys. I do occasionally hook up with these guys but they are generally nice guys and really upright friends. I have a lot of friends surrounded by my own grade but I find that when I party next to them that I don't have as much fun, all they want to do is hookup near girls and start drama, and it's really immature, and I find I just own more fun with people elder then me. This probably sounds like a screwed up vivacity and you're probably thinking that I'm not going anywhere in life but I step to school all the time and bring great marks, my average is 87 and I have adjectives academic classes. Is it wrong for a 15yr old girl to enjoy this sort of life??


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In my opinion no...because you nouns just like me when I be 15 I was getting drunk every weekend with elder people and I had the time of my time and I was even worse! my best friend and I would smoke up and ger drunk in my coup?? before school (we never get caught though lol) And now im 19 and I dont hardly EVER body anymore I got it all outta me for presently lol

I requirement girls' opinion pls..sorry it's contained by women's vigour?

yes it is wrong not only the drinking and drugs but also the hooking up with these guys you really obligation to be careful and start thinking about yourself. it is appropriate that you make good grades but that does not plan that you can drink and do drugs there are different ways to have fun later just drinking you can party and not drink i do it adjectives the time and have lots of fun

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Wow, so basically your a pothead and alcoholic at 15 years antediluvian. I think you know it's wrong and even though you have an 87 average don't expect duration to come easy living that type of lifestyle. What are you going to do when you get out of institution and your job gives you a drug interview? You will be happier in the long run if you give up these discouraging habits.

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I would say yes it is..It sounds resembling the guys might be taking advantage of you, but in a nice approach, if that is possible.What are a bunch of graduates doing getting 15 yr elderly girls drunk every weekend.

In any case, it's all prohibited and damaging to your body in such excess. So apposite job on that.

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Yeah, its EXTREMELY bad. It might be "fun" immediately, but it will hit you in the long run. Believe me, if you want a healthy lifestlye you entail to quit now. I'm 15 and I would NEVER consider doing drugs or alcohol. I think its low and disgusting for a 15 year ripened to be doing that.

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I think you should just slow down. Soon satisfactory you'll be old enough to drink and do doesn`t matter what, but these are very important years and if you hold up like you are then you'll regreat it.

I warn you!!

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im 14 and i get drunk most weekends, and smoke sometimes, but im not a whore or anything and i go to a sentence structure school. i think own fun while you can :D x

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your gonna become an alcohlic meaning your body is gonna become depend on it...
Trust me I know.!!!

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uhhhh yes!!

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eh I'm not going to say any piece because the people said it for me this is extremely bad

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im 14 and abundantly of my friends go out doing that and i just thnk its stupid cus u can ruin ur vivacity
i admit i do it known and again but singular on special occasions
so limit ur self take home sure u dnt go over a certain amount of alcohol respectively month
i kills brain cells aswell which is worse
honest luck


I'm not one to judge people or to speak whether something is right or wrong. But here's my gut feeling: People who habitually use alcohol or drugs can get addicted to them. That's where on earth the trouble starts. Addictions are much harder to cure than to acquire. Often times addictions lead to criminal behavior, and that's when the statute steps in, and you being a minor, own broken the law. You are not of legal age to drink, and both you and your friends can receive in deep trouble. They would be guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, or depending what the law are in your area, they could even be considered minors themselves. In some places, the drinking age is 21. Possession of drugs is also considered a crime, lately about everywhere, and "weed" is considered a drug. Last, but certainly not least possible, think what those substances are doing to your physical health. Substance knock about can permanently alter your mind, impair your judgment, play havoc on your essential organs, and of great concern to a young woman -- destroy your looks. So, unless you and your friends get hold of picked up for DUI or Minor in Possession, or God forbid, cause an chance by being under the influence, or even getting kill as a result of being drunk or high, in recent times continue the path you're on. However, I hope you will seriously consider some of the things I've told you. I will hold on to you in my prayers.

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