Women near kids can you assist me?

Ok when your pregnant can you still have your period for the first couple of months? because my girl think she is but she has had her extent but she said the last two were definite short like a couple of days, so do you think she could be? and don't really want to stir to the doctors because then her parents and my parents will find out, so please any help

Very personal cross-question.girls lone!?

I'm going to make a contribution you the short version...it is technically impossible to have a time and a pregnancy at the same time...the whole point of a extent is to flush everything out of the uterus that is not needed anymore b/c no pregnancy formed. It is possible to enjoy some implantation bleeding if an egg burrows into the uterus or to spot during pregnancy due to cervical injury or infection. Have her take a home pregnancy test to be on the past the worst side though, and from today on practice SAFE SEX.

Girls simply?

First off your parents won't know because of the confidentality. Hippa and what not! If you guys don't want to go to the doctor; than you're really unsuspecting to become parents! The only way you'll know for sure is to progress buy a pregnancy test. If you're too scared to goto the doctors...or even try planned motherhood! Tell her to get on the pill; so these kind of situations won't ensue again! You 2 sound kind of babyish anyway, and there is so much life ahead of you!

Period after Plan B?

all right just go to the drug store and go and get a pregnancy test. I am going to bet that she isnt pregnant, but it is possible to get your extent for the first few months of pregnancy so you never know.

Help i hold a lump right where on earth i pee at and it ooze regularly what could this be and is it a sign of cancer?

this mean not yet pregnant OK

Does it really concern?

bring a test at wal greens, dont be embarrassed to buy them-find out for sure.

Cant sleep while menstruating?

So yeah what the heck is this.lend a hand??!?!?!?!?
Why is my girlfriends spell not starting nonetheless?
Is throwing up blood run of the mill?
  • No length but unequivocally not pregnant? Whats wrong near me?
  • HELP ME!! DOCTOR< NURSE!! please please..?

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