I enjoy a complete loss of appetite...?
& im really sick of it.
i haven't be sick or anything lately,
i just own ibs, could this have anything to do beside it?
if not
Answers: To the human being above; ?? What are you talking roughly? Just because she dosen't feel similar to eating DOES NOT indicate she has anorexia. I feel the same mode and I'm not anorexic, I'm far from it. I don't think you should startle someone like that.
It could be from stress. I have a similar situation last year around this time. I be told my husband would be getting deployed within the week I be not eating to the point I have to go to the E.R. I be hungry but I literally could not eat. I would put it contained by my mouth but I'd have to spit it out because I couldn't swallow it. It be the craziest thing. i haven't ever have weird things approaching this happen and it go on for a while. I finally got on some prescription that seemed to serve a little (after trying similar to a million) and everyone was sayin it be stress and anexiety. So, all that said, ( I also own IBS) try looking into that aspect of it. Stress causes greatly odd things sometimes. Hope your sensation better soon. God bless