My interval flow...?

i usually have a pretty heavy flow... but immediately its really light.. whats wrong??.. oh and i am 12 and a half

Mirena IUD cross-examine?

It adjectives depends on how long ago you got your 1st period. If it have been within the finishing several months, it may be your body just adjusting itself to its latest monthly visitor. Talk to your mom or any trusted female. They will be more than contented to point you in the right direction, as I feel I really cannot do that due to your age. You are young at heart, and should be able to enjoy this exciting time surrounded by your life without worries.

Anal sex?

Since you are still pretty youthful, it's normal for your period to run a while to regulate. It took mine about 2-3 years to get really regular and enjoy some kind of predictable flow. If you are really concerned, talk to your mom and conceivably see the doctor who can make sure everything is ok.

Im worrying. please sustain!?

Try some of these home-remedies:

Sex press! trouble-free 10 points!?

If you have of late started.. then this happends alot your flow and dates will tweaking all the time!.
dont worry in the region of it :) x

Late term?

I don't think anything's wrong... That happened to me... sympathetic of.

Painful Sexual Intercourse?

You're body is still adjusting to your new proficiency. Up until now, it wasn't natural to be bleeding out of ANY hole within your body, but now you're supposed to be doing it monthly?
Give it a good chunk of time and your body will start to step into a rhythm. There's zilch wrong with you bleeding lightly. There's zilch wrong with you bleeding heavily (so long as it doesn't last for more than 4-5 days). It's adjectives a part of becoming a woman. Don't worry something like it :)

What is.?

No time of year?
Why do ethnic group say aloud your boobs take bigger and you gain counterbalance when on birth control pill?
I might own my length for prom!!?
  • Cramps, Nausea, and Work Tomorrow?
  • Contraceptive implant?

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