Will anyone lend a hand me.?
My doctor prescribed me a hormone med to induce my spell?
umMy breast are so sore? and im 37 weeks? does this imply anything?
Do you have a mother at home?If so talk to her.
Alot of girls achieve excited about having their extent...thats normal.
From what you have explained not a soul online can answer that question for you.
It could have be from spotting or it could have been from where on earth you went poop.
If it happens again ask your mother or grandmother or aunt...someone you trust to lend a hand you out.
Can girls draw from circumcision?
u had ur spotting... it means that is to say a sign before ur period is coming!i needed my period too!
but i hate it presently..
well its a pain.. imm similar to sick on hte first day of it.
well honest luck1
just make sure to hold pads {or if ur comfortable tampons} with u at ALL times!
Your time of year should come soon. The blood you saw before is called spotting. Tell your mom what happen and keep some pads on in the neighbourhood. Good luck!
sounds like you're about to start
I've have my time of year for 2 and 1/2 weeks in a minute. what should I do?
Girls answer...Pleasure or Protection?
Period+going into hospital?
Obviuos movement is it basically gas?