Period PAINS?

when i get my period i return with really bad pains. i mean REALLY doomed to failure. so bad that im rolling around on the floor in tears. I am 19 and i hold been to the docs they said it was fruitless and juz told me to take pain killer. the only on that worked was codine forte. but in a minute i think i am ammunied to it it dosnt work any more. i have also put a steam pack on it. please HELP ME!

Girls please help`?

I have very unpromising period pains too. That awful cramp makes me writhe around, I've vomited from the strain before, and used to have to crawl into a hot hip bath and wait, it was horrible.
I am very soon on the combined pill, and the only time I get it bad-but still not a patch on what it be.. is if I miss a pill.
I recently found out I have a fibroid within my womb- was told by my nurse it is very adjectives, but that it could be a reason for my painful period. Why not see doctor, ask about the pill.

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some girls get really profoundly of pain before the interval actually starts... you need to bring up to date the gynecologist about your pain.. and surrounded by the meantime you do have to use hot bath and hot hose bottles when you are at home... and take it easy try to not focus on the dull pain too much ...if you can divert your attention just for a little while near deep breathing exercises or listening to tranquillizing music..or pursue a hobby you like.. it will not go away but not thinking more or less it makes you feel smaller number tense..that helps somewhat.. you already expect the distress so you tense up... use aromatherapy.. with lavender ... it recurrently helps to do that.. to forget make you calmer.. and see if there is no better anguish medication available for you that can help you... and in times when you don't hold your period maybe you can swot certain relaxing exercises apart from learning to breathe tranquillizing and deeply.. excercises that may help against the helping you to find positions to relax your

Good luck xxx

Last month, my time come on hours of daylight 32. It still hasn't arrived all the same and its in a minute sunshine 32... Help?

I used to have really bad pains where on earth i couldn't go to school mete out i was crying cause of the cramp. I got put on contraceptive pill as it reduces the pains and bleeding of your term. If you go to your doctor and ask to be put on the contraceptive pill, it will help you mitigate the pains! x x

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if your talking about cramps later it's best to excersise. i'm not saying that you should go to the gym or anything basically simple walks around the block, it should relieve some or most of the pain.
hope this help!!

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