How will i no my second extent is coming?

hi i was wondering i had my extent a month ago and haven't got my second it was 28 days ago immediately. im getting quite stressed at school and i can't consintrate. is it going to arrive soon?

My BF wishes me to lug his virginty?

when your term starts out it can be on a crazy scedule. some girls have it ever 2 weeks when they start and others have theirs simply once every couple of months and some start out w/ a scedule. for example when i started mine i had it ever 2 weeks for about 3 months next i din't have it for a month and a half. it be crazy; but it finally evened out to about a 32 days between each starting sunshine scedule. i suggest keeping some panty liner w/ you just in suitcase. i hope this helps and good luck gurlie. ;)

Am i becoming more anemic?

If you're only starting to get periods, they'll be inconsistent. 28 days is the "average" length of a cycle. That mechanism the first day of your period is Day 1 and the morning before you get it again is the final day. Most teenagers don't get them regularly though.

I hold proplems near girls relieve me?

When I have my first period it was two months previously I had my second one. A lot of times it takes a few period before you are regular. Dont worry more or less it. Be grateful! You might not have to deal near it every month for awhile!

Why is My Pubic Hair Straight?

oh same with me. i just get my first on march 30, and i am still waiting for my second too. but recently i enjoy noticed a bit of spotting.. i also agree, your cycle is still ireglar so i guess we will both have to continue

Whenever I shave my pubic pelt I take these itchy/painful red bumps...get any solutions for me?

your period might be irregular for a while. it happens when you first start menstruating.
when I first get my period, a went partially a year before i got my second one. it's regular immediately, though.

I own not have my period this month..?

just be ready when it comes it may be irregular. if you want you can wear a pantty procession just in crust so tht if it does start you have something to catch the first bit of it!

How can I swot to wallow in unloading oral sex?

You could a moment ago be one of those girls that will always have an inconsistent cycle. It will come near time. Don't worry

What sex myths enjoy you be told?

if u have purely started then maybe it have not got a proper day all the same

Ladies I want your assist...Surprising my wife.?

Embarrasing! involve relief!?
Cervical cancer shot? report me roughly speaking it?
Contraceptive Pill comfort?
  • Polycystis ovaries?
  • On and sour burning sensation approaching distress surrounded by breast?

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