I go to a delegation bout a week ago.And i missed my time.I come up with i might be prego.What do i do??


Implantation bleeding on the morning the time shoud come?

Why do you suppose you missed your period just by going to a body? I go to parties too but I never miss mine.

First things first. Go to the drug/convenience store and procure an over the counter pregnancy test. Also, be more careful when you move about out. Pregnancy is one thing, HIV is another. Also, when you get elder you'll have to live with yourself.

Good luck

I do not hav regular period its lyk may be within 5 mnths or more i m nt involve surrounded by any physical amusement wat 2do

Goes minus saying really - take a exam. Then again you don't actually get pregnant for bout a week after the sex as it take time for the sperm to get into your egg

oh yeah theres also STD's out there

Whats your faveourit colour and why?

Did you enjoy intercourse at/after the party? If you still live at home talk to your mother. Maybe you are purely stressed and will start soon. good luck

What protection should I use for sex? Im allergic to lubricant?

Be a big girl and accept responsibility for your decision.

My niece have no uterus and a closed vagina. I have need of feedback from ppl who hold be through this?

How do going to a party and maybe anyone pregnant relate? I mean, unless it was an orgy?

Taking 15 year hoary to the gyno for the first time?

No dutiful posting it here ~ go and see a doctor or do a test.

Period?!?!? serve!?

i other get pregant when i goto parties...

When will I own my time??!!?


return with a pregnancy test!

Do i necessitate to switch my bc pill?

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Ok so this is embarasing!!?
Birth control cause my legs to twinge.?
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