TriNessa Birth Control, What should I Expect?

i was prescribed ortho tri cyclen after having horrible side effects from the depo shot. i am almost 16 years infirm. my mother picked up my prescription and our insurance won't cover the name brand. so i got trinessa. i started it on sunday. i hold been doing research on it because last time i be on depo i never did any research and ended up dealing with side effects for close to months. i am most worried about weight gain and down loss. i don't want to lose my hair. i am so self concious about my mass as well. i've read lots of stuff about it and it say you can't wear contacts when taking it. i wear contacts every few days and sometimes wear glasses. i have horrible verbs. i can't see things that are far away. i am worried it will make my verbs worse. i am scared because i already can't see well. i also read it result in vaginal infections. that's odd. can anyone explain the side effects to me. please tell me what happen to you while being on it. anything to help me read.

Help roughly speaking birthcontrol?

Hun, it all depends on your body. Some of my friends when they first went on the pill they gain weight, had cramps, be moody and got bad headachs...but when I go on it, I had absolutly no sides effects, lol i've been next to my boyfriend for 9 months and he still doesn't know when my period is.

Just relax, see how your body reacts to things. I intuitively haven't heard of hair loss on the pill. Try and prepare yourself for everything though, for cramps and headache, take Midol (it has 3 times the anguish reliever, i take it for my knees), if you're worried about bulk gain, get your mom to buy healthy foods and fruits and veggies. if you perceive like you're in a desperate mood, cry if you need to, best way to gross yourself feel better is to go for a hoof it, even for just 15 minutes.

best of luck hun

Can your interval occur twice contained by a month this is my second one this month (April)?

Womens calnder uncomplicated and perfect also check that ur obese or not?
What is wrong beside me?-period related?
After how plentiful days of transference menstrual cycle interval starts?
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