I enjoy a request for information for women over 20 about a vigour issue.?

I had an ultrasound today on my right breast and they said they found a couple of cysts. But she said don't worry roughly it. I have another appointment tommorow, but I am worrying. What in the world is a cyst and will it dance away naturally or do they have to remove it? Does anyone know??

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A cyst is a short time ago a pocket of fluid or fat that has formed in a portion of the body. They're typically benign and often painless.

Causes can be hormones, diet, or heredity. They may call for to be removed it they continue to grow or if they are causing discomfort or become infected (abscessed). Sometimes medication (or a loose change in what you're already taking), a change contained by diet, or doing nothing at all will comfort them to reduce in size.

The creature who is best qualified to answer your questions is your doctor. In the mean time, since they've DEFINITIVELY stated that they're cysts, I would not verbs at all if I were you.

Worst overnight case, they might try draining them with a needle. It can be mildly mortified, but it is quick, is minimally invasive and usually solves the problem the first time around.

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They found a cyst in my breast when I be 15. First they stuck a needle in it to see if it be solid or not. If it isn't solid they can give you meds to make it dissolve. If it is solid they usually remove and do a biopsy on it and you step from there. The best news the Dr. told me be that she had never seen breast cancer within anyone under 30. She was within her 50's so she had been a Dr. for comparatively a while, that was very calming for me and after they removed it, it was benign.

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A cyst is like a pimple. Sometimes they progress away and sometimes, surgery is required. That will depend on what your doctor says. He may do a biopsy, especially if you have breast cancer contained by your family. Most cysts are not malignant. Try not to worry. Do what your doctor say, and it will be ok.

For the record, caffeine causes these cysts, and Vitamin E will sustain to dissolve them.

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Cysts are very common. Nothing to be worried just about. Sometimes you might have to get them removed or they can progress away naturally. I know that if they pop though it can be very rough. Never had one in my breast but surrounded by the ovaries and it popped and was very particularly painful. It did not do any damage to me though. Just maintain your appt and see what your DR says. I would not be worried though. They are harmless.

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The short and to the piont answer is: A cyst is a closed sac have a distinct membrane and division on the nearby tissue. They may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid bits and pieces. A collection of pus is called an abscess, not a cyst. Once formed, the cyst will remain in the tissue lastingly unless removed by surgery or by taking medication that will dissolve it.

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A cyst is a fluid filled sac in your breast... my friend have one and they stuck in a needle surrounded by it to break it open for the fluids to be reabsorbed by the body. It isn't cancer because a tumor would be stuck to one spot and not move around.
You're lucky, I had a fibroid adenoma contained by my left breast I had to steal out through surgery, left a pretty big scar :T.


A cyst is zilch to worry about. They will bring you final to double check it is just a cyst (usually a fluid filled sac) and if it appears to be, they a short time ago might watch it.

In the US, they do biopsy almost anything just to be risk-free (we are a nation of suing) but many people run through the stress and worry and it is... just a cyst.

I would not frenzy but it is hard not to...

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a cyst is just a fluid occupied sack. it's nothing. they may not remove it or if they do, they may just drain it beside a needle.

cyst are a natural element of a woman's life. you get them on your ovaries adjectives the time, especially during pregnancy.

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Cysts in the breast tissue can be common for some women. They will not hold to remove anything in most cases, unless there is a concern that the lumps are more than cysts. Usually these will come and step on their own.

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Cysts are harlmess (usually) tumors.

If its benign, it won't spread.

If your Doc said not to worry...then don't..you'll be fine
And they do sometimes move about away naturally, other times they'll need treatment


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cysts are safe little lumps, they can be emoved or they can eventually go away, but do keep your appointment tomorrow,

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Nah- cysts are typically nil to worry about. Especially surrounded by the breast. They typically 'pop' and are gone. But if you had them on your ovaries then that can be aching and even might require a hospital stay :-(

Help me please?

caffeine can cause lumps in your breats as all right, it could be a couple different things, not just cancer. dont worry going on for it until you know for sure what it is

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Cysts are quite common contained by all humans.breast cysts are no different than any other types. If they are causing you strain or discomfort .then yes they will remove them...simple procedure.stop worrying

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it could be just small piles of fat nothing to verbs about

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