How fruitless does it hurt the first time you do it?

I'm really nervous and scared--


Females OB-gyns?

It didn't hurt me one bit...
Unfortunately she didn't feel a article either.

Ugh what is going on?!?? (dont know why it is resembling this)?

When I lost my virginity, it wasnt painful, maybe slightly uncomfortable, but not like the horror stories we hear!
But its central you are with the right person, that what made my experience better i surmise. I had known the guy for a long time, and we have been dating a long time, so we were completelyat lighten with each other. Also he know i was a virgin, so took things very slow and thoughtfully.
I think if your partner knows you are a virgin, they will be like. He should respond to you, tell him if it hurts, and stop and try again.
Maybe use lube, as you may be nervous, and so wont provide satisfactory lubrication of your own.
Spend plenty of time on foreplay to be relaxed and at ease with on another.
Also, be clear roughly what protection you are using before start, so you both know its safe.
If at any point it feel wrong, stop. You can always try another time!
Dont be scared, if this is the right entity,the right time and the right place, you will be fine! Have fun!


I dont think that it necessarily hurts, I would just enunciate that you will not enjoy it !
Having real sex, take a lot of time, having an orgasm and really enjoy with your partner the act is not something that you will experience surrounded by a month or 2.
With time you will know and understand what I am talking roughly speaking.
I do suggest you to do it with someone that loves you a lot and that you love too obviously, please dont do it just because you are feeling pressured, you will regret it the rest of your duration !
trust me.

When girls are pleasured do they draw from a consciousness they hold to pee?

It's natural to be nervous...that's a big step within your life that you're considering, after all. But when you've settled that it's time, the best thing you can do is remember that it's something that people hold been doing since forever, and though there may be some discomfort, most of that comes from the fear you feel, and not the actual performance you're about to take. So, relax, and you've won partly the battle!

And on top of that, remember that you've get the support of all your friends and contacts on Y!A, who'll be right behind you adjectives the way, anticipating right there beside you, and ready to applaud your bravery, and jump right surrounded by, too...

...with those thumbs-up. You can do it, it'll be fine...go ahead and post your first answer!

Mirena iud what are your view?

My first time be with my boyfriend, and it was his first time also. So in attendance wasn't really an issue about who's needs are one met before another's. Neither of us knew what we be doing at first, haha. But just take it slow, label sure this person is who you WANT to lose it too, first. And make sure you are positive they are going to pilfer it slow and go with your comfort stratum.
And it doesnt really hurt, its just uncomfortable. Honestly, I didnt start to wallow in sex until like the 3-4 time I had it.

My wife wishes to know if she uses Nair on her legs if it burns?

I don't remember it hurting at adjectives actually.

However, I was a young at heart adult by then.. so it may vary as a teenager.

EDIT: Huh, I got a thumbs down for motto it didn't hurt.. go figure.

Also I be thinking.. if you use tampons or are very athletic.. you may have already broken the hym so you may not even bleed.

still no time of year? ?

ok it hurts thats because your vagina is not overt, it will hurt also for even up to the next three times you do it. The penis, invading will cause it to stretch and hurt, because it is approaching forcing some thing in a small place.. so in attendance will be pain.

Is my length usual?

For me- It hurt like a *****. It took going on for 20 minutes just for him to be all the route inside since we kept having to stop. It's really nothing to be alarmed of though. So long as your guy actually cares going on for you and how you feel, it's well-worth it.

I am 45yrs, and hold other enjoy regular period, clockwork.?

Its not as bad as everyone make out chick,
i was really scared & fretful,
its a slight tingerly pain,
for me eneyways, everyones diffrent, just try 2 relax and run with it, tell your partner or doesn`t matter what to take it easy.

Women serve please.?

I really aversion to ask, but, do what exactly?

Insulin injection?

Home dentistry?

Do it yourself appendectomy?

Brain surgery? No problem with that one. Simply hit yourself over your own head beside a large hammer. When you hear a loud crack, your within!

Tampons ?!!?

Well, you may or may not agree depending on your views. But I got drunk the first time I did it so that it would not hurt. But if you judge sex is sacred and you are saving yourself for marriage ceremony, then maybe you shouldnt listen to me...

Weird bleeding.?

I hold heard from my friends that it hurts really bad. Only because your vaginal walls aren't stretched and when the guy puts his penis within, it stretches and hurts.

Make myself sick?

it doesnt hurt.
im 14.
i did it first wen i was 13.
it didnt hurtt..
it will onyl hurt A LITTLE if ur not h.or...ny
but if ur wet plenty t feels good and doesnt hrut trust me lug it from someone whos bee nthrew it

My orgasms perceive WAY TO correct?

Relax and don't be scared.
It's different for everyone, because everyone has a different tolerance for throbbing.

Period persponing pill?

The first time it happened to me it hurt like a Mother .!!

How do I win rid of that 'period smell' ?

You entail to relax. Best way to do so is with someone who can sympathize and transport things slow, making sure that your needs are met before his are.

umm.. you know what I looked-for to add don't you?

I hold on to peeing please what can it be?

OMG! It hurts sooooooo bad! Don't do it. Jesus say NO NO NO! Wait, what are we talking about? Is this a examine about sex? In that case toughen up and bear it like a man!

Does steam effect the pill?

Idk, stabbing someone's eyes out or cutting past its sell-by date their limb must hurt but then again, I wouldnt know.

Heh heh heh, sneaky sneaky.

A cross-question more or less puberty/period? backing!?

I enjoy never been with a virgin so idk sorry! Maybe you should take on top and do all the work otherwise he might hurt you if he does all the work!

When a girl can't soak up it ?

other lube your veggies before sucking them in!

play a appropriate def leppard song

Birth control give support to please?

Yeh lube and relax.
It depends on the person
It wasn't too bad for me
I would recommend you own some alcohol in you though

Best gynaecologist within chicago?

it only scratchy until your *** get numb from the bleeding.

it will be very messy

Can someone go and get pregnant from flipping the condom?

OMG I hear it hurts so bad you won't be able to hear for a week after it.

How to catch pregnant while on birth-control?

The first time I have to watch the WB it hurt a lot!

Back spasm and white discharge is at hand anything to worried . Im 4weeks pregnant?

Look, a moment ago yank it off and be done next to it.

We'll be in the cellar when you're finished.

When will i start my length??

It depends, use lots of lube and relax.

Can this cyst on my ovarys be cause my cramp?

Not if you do it right, didn't hurt me!

I am slim. confer me some tips on how to win butter?

It didn't hurt at adjectives until she tried to stick that pointy.never mind.

Does your interval last longer after you enjoy a miscarriage?

I have no clue I'm a virgin and proud!

Can you own an orgasm from of late masterbating?

just relax you will be fine its worth it

I don't orgasum?

i've never done good health, this one time in prison.

Missed spell but no sex?

How various times own you faint?
How to attain bigger brests??
Ok press roughly breast pains?
  • Do you conjecture a girl is dumb when she say she doesn't know how to put a tampon surrounded by?
  • How do women?

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