Make myself sick?

Hey..i have to get myself out of gym class tomorrow. we enjoy a half day and its 4th interval, and our teacher is making us do some stupid fitness test..its firm as ****. what can i do to make myself puke. it can be in the morning, or something i can do right formerly that class starts to get out of it
any sugestions?

Can you describe need to pee?

My advice:
To brand name yourself puke is SO unhealthy. don't do it. say resembling u got the runs, or started your period and enjoy bad cramps and don't feel virtuous.
you can either say one of those contained by the morning to your mom or in the MIDDLE of your class b4 your p.e. period, so its more believable.
---*TINK* :)

Birthcontrol mishap...should i be worried?

Well I remember sometime I took a vitamin in the morning and I started to not feel polite and threw up. Usually you feel better because your not really sick, but you can act it out. Don't tolerate anyone see your taking the vitamin and then after you take it, in recent times eat some cereal or something. It takees a little time.

I hope this help you play hooky! lol

If you could pick to be a man or a woman.?

It's not healthy to make yourself puke, so I suggest departing puking out of it and find something else to get out of it.


If that's the case, STILL, don't puke. Can you achievement? Lol. I would go to the restroom RUNNING and pretend to puke, and come out holding your stomach. Maybe bring some really white make-up powder and join a bit to your face. Just be like, "Dude, I purely puked ... Gotta go home ..."

My Boobs are leak...Am i pregnant?

Just say you're have 'womenly' problems. Got some really bad bloating and cramps going on.. and you don't feel to great. Geeh, they obtain me outta anything pretty much.

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