How do i hold from coming too soon?

How do I hold off from coming when I'm having sex near my girl? I'd like to make it second longer!

Is This A Good Thing To Use As a " Intamite Toy"?

In general, practice and relaxation will help you treaty with the problem. Some men try to distract themselves by thinking non-sexual thoughts (such as naming baseball players and records) to avoid becoming excited too fast.

Some productive techniques include the following:

Masturbate an hour or so before have sex.

The "stop and start" method:

This technique involves sexual stimulation until the man recognizes that he is about to ejaculate. The stimulation is next removed for about thirty seconds and after may be resumed. The sequence is repeated until ejaculation is desired, the final time allowing the stimulation to continue until ejaculation occurs.

The "squeeze" method:

This technique involves sexual stimulation until the man recognize that he is about to ejaculate. At that point, the man or his partner gently squeezes the completion of the penis (where the glans meets the shaft) for several seconds, withholding further sexual stimulation for more or less 30 seconds, and then resuming stimulation. The sequence may be repeated by the being or couple until ejaculation is desired, the final time allowing

Vaginal discharge?

I am not in any position to tell you how to stop yourself from orgasming back her. Only you can control that and hopefully you get men responding! What I can suggest is to pleasure her in other ways to sustain her to orgasm before you. You may want to try that for awhile if it helps. Please for your own sakes, be prepared, use condoms due to std and aid's issues and other protection sooner if you are young and want to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. God Bless, Momma Kat


Orajel under a condom works really worthy. Try it. Wash your hands as soon as you put it on or have her put it on for you. If you remove the condom she will be numb and thats not a apposite feeling for a woman.

What is this this lump I enjoy on my bikini procession!?!?!?

clench your **** and knob ynow that skill that makes your article stand up.

or else tie a rope or elastic tie around the base of it! itll be bigger! I necessitate some advice/help...?

put some cocaine or oragel (that one for the teeth) but put a condom. if you take it bad she will be num too and your in square one

Do you expect bad start my term soon??

don't think in the order of it during the act
watch tv or anything

When can you do exercises after 5 c section?

Stomach is moving! its be 5 days...pls assistance!?
Bad smell down in attendance.. serious answers please?
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