How do you touch in the order of abortion?

I personally don't have a problem beside it

I believe that a woman if having life taking complications should be capable of have an abortion.

Or if the girl was raped.

If it be mine and my partners fault I would adopt full responsibility.

So what are your opinions?

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I believe in it to a indisputable extent. Though i respect both sides of the arguement.

In my opinion, it should be allowed in a rape grip, or if the person is under the age of consent. (lets facade it, it happens)

I don't think it should be allowed in cases of lack of caution. Contraception is availiable nearly EVERYWHERE these days.

It's easy for me to vote this, cause i don't plan to get pregnant myself, i don't see myself within that situation. And i know that if a friend of mines got pregnant through carelessness, i'd support her adjectives the way!

It's hard for me to come up beside an arguement in either armour cause i feel you should any be aloud it or not. I know that having it under positive circumstances would prove hard, cause how can ya prove it adjectives the time?

I've be on the pill for 8 years immediately and im thinking something like going past its sell-by date of it.?

In cases of women having sex of their own will and then getting pregnant unexpectedly, I do disapprove of have an abortion. Women know the possible consequences of having sex and therefore I surface they should accept the responsibility of anything going not as expected.

In cases of women who had be forced into sex, then I do approve. It's not something they had any power over, it's not a choice they made, so I don't grain it's their responsibility.

Ultimately, however, I think the choice should be available. As we've seen contained by the past allowing it probably saves more lives than it take. (Think back alley abortions from several decades ago)

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I belive that abortion is wrong because even though it wasn't planned God have reason for u to be pregnant and if u go an abort and everything it kinda see as if u committed murder before god's eyes and u neva kno that child could become something big in enthusiasm and make u proud and everything. Also u later on regret have the baby aborted and that might be ur with the sole purpose child that u could ever had so why should u aborted a spanking new comer to this world because even though u don't want the child the child may want u. That's my opinion on abortion

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i think abortion is wrong.

if it is a infantile girl that was raped i am for abortion because it would affect growth and all sorts of things.
contained by some cases it is ok

but people who get pregnant and purely decide it is not cool to do it right now are losers. in attendance are millions of parents all over that would LOVE to have a infant but just cant on their own. and since people own started having abortions there are smaller quantity babies for those people to adopt.

i think that it is really careless to take a child out of this world because it isnt good for that personage. people need to size up to their travels and live with the consiquences

(unless like i said here are special circumstances(such as rape))

I be anorexic when i be 13, and im still flat chested.. will my boobs ever grow?

i think american need to go and get it's priorities straigh. they say "save the trees" but it's OK to eradicate the babies. just because babies are only a coulpe of months prehistoric doesn't make them not people and they get the impression pain too. i don't support abortion; but i think if it within would save the mom's life it might would be OK. everyone deserves a fate to live even if they have mental issues.

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Hasn't this question be asked already a hundred times before? none the less I agree near you- it's ultimately the women's choice. Not some anti-abortionists choice.. Some people belive it's "murder" I don't believe it's murder if only 3 months within? like seriously. Thank god for abortion, for those women you get raped, and those who know they'd donate their children a miserable life..

Why is this here?!?

Well i feel that it is the woman's choose, not a soul should be able to tell her what to do, no child should not be brought into this world if they are not going to bring back the love, and care they need. But this doesn't have it in mind i would ever get an abortion, i don't think i could live beside myself after words, it would be one of the hardest things to do, harder than adoption.

I obligation some guidance..?

I have no problem with abortion. Sure a fetus have to die. At least the woman doesn't have to convey a burden if she doesn't want to. After all many folks who are pro-life don't see a problem with execution of criminals. I say existing time is more important then potential time.

Birth control..?

I don't believe in it for adults. Teenagers can die giving birth, so maybe it depends for them. I estimate if you're raped, that's a different story and you should get one. That would be horrible knowing you are only alive because your mom have to be raped.

Could I be prg?

While it's not for me, personally, I believe that nobody should have the right to dictate what a woman does beside her body, including ending a pregnancy.

BOOBS! yasmin pill!!?

I mostly see abortion is wrong, even if I was raped, I would hold the child and put him/her up for adoption. No life deserves to be taken no matter what to sercumstances are.

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I don't similar to the thought of abortion. i look at it as killing an innocent being that have no right to die. you should give a baby up for adoption if you don't want them. grant them to a family that wants a child.


I don't believe surrounded by it. I believe you're killing a baby i.e. half yours. Have it and give it up for adoption so it can enjoy a good life beside another family.

Girls please help`?

I think it's wrong, because you can other give the baby up to adoption. It's a human go, and it's not any difrent then bloodbath someone who's 20... it's wrong.

Haven't have my interval?

I think no an has the right to transmit a WOMAN what to do with her body, regardless of the situation. It's not a mans place to furnish an opinion.

Boob HELP!?

NO.even if they are raped they don't need to take out it just let it be adopt or become a serget because some ppl would kill to have a little one, that your going to scramble away!

Two question please answer!!?best answers 10 points!!!?

I beleive it's up to the woman to decide, but i don't agree when some women use it as a form of birth control.

How do you shave short adjectives urself?

In a perfect world we wouldn't stipulation abortion. This is not a perfect world.

Ummmm two question:?


What are reason for spotting a week or 2 past my length should start?

I agree with u
Its the womens choice its her body

Will the hospital nurse/doctors mention it?

I pretty much surface the same way you do more or less abortion. I know I will probably get some thumbs down for my next comment but it is lately how I feel. If I knew my unborn child would frontage a lot of SEVERELY deformed and would be a vegetable its entire enthusiasm or would be extremely mentally retarded and would never be able to function in society I would most predictable abort it. My reason would be to save the child from a time of ridicule, pain, suffering, discrimination, and one made fun of because of its severe disabilities. I would rather have my child be cheery in heaven next to god for eternity. I would only abort in the most severe cases and its NOT because I wouldn't want to contract with it I would want to save the child from a life span of heartache. I would also most likely abort a child if I was raped. I own known a few females that literally use abortion as a form of birth control and that is in recent times wrong. If you think your responsible and mature plenty to be having sex in the first place and are not responsible and grown enough to use protection, then you call for to be responsible and mature enough to operation with the consequences. That is murder in my eyes. I agree next to another post that had said if you don't want the child then impart it up for adoption so it will have a great life next to people that really want to offer it love and indemnity.


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