HELP!! I started taking the pill later stopped and immediately my cycle is adjectives messed up. I started what seem to be?

I started a new pack of birth control pills, took it for two days and then established to stop because I wanted to try to get pregnant still. I devise I have messed my cycle up because I started my period again on Sunday (not even two weeks after my regular period). I am not sure if I should count this is as daytime 1 of a whole new cycle or save on with my schedule as it be before...I am confused...


This is probably not a "regular" period, but a bit withdrawal bleeding from the sudden interruption of the artificial hormones.

DO use backup contraception for at least one full cycle after your bleeding have stopped and you get your next raw period. You need to grant your body a chance to regulate itself before you attempt to bring pregnant.

How do you know when your interval starts and stops not first starts?

This exact same thing happened to me! Except I wasn't trying to acquire pregnant, my birth control pills just made me sick. But basically, yes, your cycle is messed up much similar to mine was. I had my time of year twice in one month! You might have to adapt up your schedule now. I used to attain my period the last week of the month into the first of the subsequent. I now get it a pious week or two later because of my birth control! Good luck with getting pregnant though I hope everything works out =)

What is the likelihood?

Sometimes the pill does that. I'd see a doctor in the order of it and see what he or she has to say on it. Sometimes the pill doesn't stop pregnancy. The risk is still large.
Only thing I could say is see a doctor or bring used to the new cycle you have=]

What can begin of you douche during your vaginal extent and not afterwards?

That's cause your body is confused. You be taking hormones and you stopped so it thinks it's time for your new cycle.

Wait til your time ends and don't take anymore BC pills until you know for sure that you don't want to start again.

What does the pill do?? i'm 15..?

You might want to check with your doctor. Your body is probably more confused than you are. ;)

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