Women one and only please, kinda degrading gratitude..?

I had my 2nd child 10 weeks ago, since he was born i procure the urge to pee, all of a sudden, but real intense, and if i do not return with to the loo in a matter of min's, i cannoy hold it.
It's so embsrressing, why is this taking place? anyone else have this, i am only 22.

Help!! Still didn't capture my extent!?

this happen to most women its something that can go away on its own or get worse!! ive be dealing with it since i was 18 when i have my first! yes you can do kiegals and hopefully strengthen your vaginal muscle which will help or you have a prolapsed bladder or vaginal wall which take surgery to repair call your dr and let them know the longer you hang about the worse it could get and you have a smaller amount options!! iwas ashamed being within my 20's and not controlling it but it got to bad and i couldnt close the eyes to it then i lost control during sex and that was the straw for me


I myself own experianced this. The reason for this is that since you have freshly given birth there are ripps and tears in you bladder. It be nearly a week or two before the muscles in your bladder fully repair themselves so that when you pee the pee won't be as intense and you in poor health be able to hold it in.

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It is a specified fact that the womb needs to grasp back into place after giving birth. Whilst we all know that breast feed is best for baby it was said that it also help to to "draw " the womb back up. However it might be the best idea for you to mention it to your Doctor or possibly ring the maternity unit where on earth you gave birth. At this moment in time I dream up they would recommend Lower Pelvic Floor exercises. These are easy to do at any time when sat down even surrounded by company.all it takes is to draw your buttocks together as though you are trying to stop breaking curl (sorry but thats the only way I can explain) squeeze and relax. You will find this totally easy without any endeavour.You could do it when feeding baby or simply spending time nursing him. Good Luck and enjoy the wonder of Motherhood

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you know how when you were pregnant and you other had that urge to pee... because the baby be pressed up against your bladder...and im sure you probably would hold it rather then running to the bathroom everytime... ably that could have weakened your bladder and immediately that the baby is out its even more difficult to hold the urine... maybe you should see a doctor to be on the not dangerous side...

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that is very adjectives after having a child. giving birth can cause tears contained by your bladder. i recommend you see your doctor so that you can get some sort of prescription medication to help you until your bladder is fully repaired!! don't verbs! it will pass soon!! and congratulations on your second child!!

Yall hold to assistance me beside this?

maybe you enjoy bladder weakness even though your only 22 but you enjoy had a child, maybe during birth your bladder be affected or it may be because after birth your muscles need to be tightened again, if it still remains impossible to tell apart after a while i would go to the doctor and see what he says

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It's tremendously common after childbirth. The pelvic floor is weakened after adjectives the stretching during childbirth. It may or may not recover - go to your GP or Practice Nurse who can push for on pelvic floor exercises. In some cases, surgery is the only cure.

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you need to do some pelvic floor exercises,i have 3 kids but never had a problem my friend on the other hand be like this for a while ,if you are doing the exercises and still feeling the urge so bleak go see your doc.

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Ive heard of this previously hun it go 2 the gp sounds like a bladder infection/of could be bladder spinelessness,infections in your urinarry tract are quite adjectives after pregnancy best of luck:)

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I suggest you goto the docs he will probably give you so medication, I feel for you and congratulations on your newborn boy!

Hope this helps hun

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you usually pee alot during the pregnant months see a doctor if it keeps up

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its because your peeing muscles are colourless, strengthen them up by doing clenches,

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Keep going with the pelvic floor exercises.. and good luck!

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budge back to your doctor hun.

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u should go to the doctor... this happen to alot of people after having a toddler so don't be embarassed

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one word DOCTOR

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well it means ur bladder have a whole in it. realy i know this for a reality i had that once ooo i feeel ur pain hunny

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i've never hear of this, get 2 a doctor

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