What does the pill do?? i'm 15..?

i'm going on it maybe because of my bad skin, i've already tried creams and antibiotics, this is the subsequent step. What are the side effects and what else does it do?? does it make you gain weight?


Is it possible to..?

Well, different race have different reactions, so your doctor will usually enjoy you try it for 3 months to see how you react. Probably, you won't notice any difference except that your period come exactly every 4 weeks. After you've been on it for awhile (6 months), your periods will start to capture a bit lighter and shorter and you shouldn't have cramps as severely or as long.

What does it do exactly? Well, each pill (for 3 weeks) have a bit of hormones in it. These hormones tell your body that you're pregnant, which is why you can't carry pregnant while you're taking them. (The hormones are at much lower levels than if you were in reality pregnant though.) During the 4th week (the green pills, for some people), there is nothing within the pills (they are just there so you own the consistency of taking a pill every day). When the hormones subside, you start your period.

At first your boobs will get a touch bit bigger and you might feel like your body is trying to store round, so you should eat a little bit smaller number than normal. After about 3 months, your body will go and get used to the pills and you should be able to take stale any weight you put on. (But there's no reason to gain bulk as long as you watch what you eat .. a moment ago like in majority life.)

As a positive side-effect, the pill is supposed to alleviate acne and make skin clearer. This is due to the hormones surrounded by the pill, which help to regulate your body.

What can it be?

There are many brands of oral contraceptive pill but they can be divided into two groups.

This contains the womanly sex hormones progesterone and estrogen. They work by preventing ovulation, thinning the womb lining and thickening the cervical mucus. They are impressively effective with going on for 98% efficiency. The pill can increase your appetite, so you are made a bit more likely to guzzle more and gain weight. If you are aware of this you are more likely to restrict your calorie intake to what it is presently.

With this pill you take one every day and hold a 7 day break period where on earth you will get a period.

You should not lug the combined pill if you or a family member have or has ever had migranes, breast cancer, open vein thrombosis.

Progesterone only:
As the mark says this pill has no estrogen, singular progesterone. It works in exactly the same course and is just as efficient as the combined pill with the sole purpose it carries none of the risks the combined pill does. This means that inhabitants with migranes, previous DVTs or history of breast cancer in the relations can safely take this pill. It too have a slight affect on the appetite.

With this pill, you take a pill everyday, non-stop. Your periods might stop altogether whilst on this form.

Why am I other daydreaming just about mortal pregnant?

it can sort your skin out. Different pills own different levels of hormones in them, if you enjoy low doses naturally then the pill can inject more of that hormone surrounded by. This is probably why the pill is used to sort your skin out as that is down to hormone imbalance. The pill can manufacture some people put on weight, but it's really not that conspicuous, you can get headaches sometimes and mood swings, but the doctors will transfer your pill if you suffer badly. Your periods, if you hold them will be less heavy and may eventually later a few days less than normal, but aside from that, that's it. Read the pamphlet that comes next to the pill so you're familiar with it, but don't verbs. Hope your skin improves x

How long after you start taking birth control pills do your boob fire up to bring bigger?

When I was 15 I never really have any side effects at all from the pill. If you do have any donate it about 2 months to see if they go away of they didn't the Dr can win you another kind that may be easier for you. I have have some mild symptoms like feeling sick but it other went away after the first month. And it wasn't really that bad. I did miss period while I was on them too. It could cause rather weight gain but not much getting pregnant will cause mode more!

Period cross-question?

Ok, so im taking it for the same reason, but im 16.
And i newly started taking it like 5 days ago..
At first it might make your skin a short time
bit worse,
but im starting to see a change in it.
I get yaz.. Thats the best kind. I havent had any side effects
whatsoever. : )
And also it will get your periods wayy shorter. Like
some times your period may single be like 2 days, and you'll know when your gonna start. If wont just evolve surprisingly.
Uhh also, it relieves some pms symptoms, like cramps..moodiness, fatigue.. That stuff.
I LOVE it so far.
Oooh, and it can make your boobs bigger!

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