GIRLS ONLY please?
Answers: You will probably get your first period inwardly your next cycle, so in almost a month or two. That was probably dry blood and your vagina is cleaning itself out. Congrats!
I am 5'1' am going to be 20 surrounded by may how much should i weigh and still be strength?
well if it turned pink that sounds close to a period or spotting but if it turns yellow later you should go and see a doc because that doesn't sound regular.yes it's possible that it your period is trying to come. stock up on those feminine wipes that you can find pretty much anywhere and pad ... :)
I think you are spotting its when your peroid first starts, your should talk to your mom thou, congratz!
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lol aww i mull over it's ur period congrads!!Husband compare near second women?
Is this because i come stale the pill?
Periods and the pill?
Is that run of the mill?