Girls one and only please!?

This is kinda embarrassing but basically, when i shave my legs (with one of those electric shavers) I discern like the hairs grow put a bet on wayyyyyy too quickly (about a week later). Is this normal or is ther enaything i can do?

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That's regular.

Try waxing or invest in an epilater.

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One, look at the size of your pores on your legs, my mom have large pores so hair removal works best for her. As for myself i enjoy very smal pores my hair grows contained by very thin, but i know it's near shaving isn't an issue. Two, most electric shavers pull on the hair later cut it from the surface. You want to be as close to the skin as possible try a sensitive lotion or cream and use a blade. it tskes longer for hair to grow back the closer you grasp to the skin.

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If you wax your legs will stay smooth for a lot longer. Mine stay for at least three weeks. It's really nice. There's not really anything that you can do something like your hair growing back in the blink of an eye. It's just normal. Actually if your tresses doesn't grow back for a week that's REALLY good. Most people's mane starts growing back in something like two or three days.

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it's completely normal. shaving cuts the hair at the skins surface so theoreticaly you can get the impression re-growth the next day. down removal cream should last a little longer as it claims to disolve the curls to just below the skins surface, but the longest lasting choice is waxing as this removes the hair from the root. it also make the hair weaker and finer over time.

I'm tired adjectives the time, what can i do to hang on to my enthusiasm up?

When i shave my legs, the hairs grow hindmost almost the next day, so no a week isn't to like a shot! in fact thats slightly a long time! And unfortunately you can't stop them coming back. You could try wax, this will keep your legs smoother for longer as waxing pulls the tresses out of the folical where as shaving cuts the hair!

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Perfectly everyday. I shave every couple of days and within 48 hours im prickly. I have gone as far as buying the costly shavers that verbs the hairs out by the roots and while it seems I can run a bit longer its quite a workout getting the hairs long satisfactory to yank out.

How do i ask my mom to agree to me start shaving?

i find it lucky it takes you a undamaged week where most girls must do this EVERY DAY. However you can always buy veet or nair which work really in good health and go under the skin to remove the tresses. You could also get laser hair removal if you are older(and allowed).

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shaving cause hair to grow back vigorously coz ur only cutting the hackle from the surface of the skin. Good hair removal creams last longer and sort your legs look smoother and waxing takes weeks beforehand the hair grows back coz it take it from the root.

Questions give or take a few abortions?

leg hair normally grow fund way before a unharmed week.. i shave my legs twice a week and im not a hairy person at adjectives.. that is totally normal. nought you can do or be embarrassed about! facts of life span

Boys, a examine in the region of a womans digit...?

Shaving doesn't make your hair stop growing, purely cuts the bit above the skin. If you want to make it last for a few weeks, why don't you try wax? Then you won't have to do it so often.

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Mine dont grow rear 4 awhile but that is just innate

But dont go using nair cause that stuff stinks

But its fine 4 it to grow rear in a week

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You can get them wax but they will always grow back eventually.

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It is average for hair to grow back vigorously after shaving. It can take anything from 24 hours to a week before you own to shave again.

Birth control?

That is totally normal and nothing to be embarassed going on for!

I own a cross-question more or less uterus membrane.?

Some people have amazingly quick regrowth - like in 2 days. A week is above average. U actually have slow regrowth. Maybe try wax? It lasts longer

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One week is very pious. Try lazer, it's expensive but the hair stops growing after a few visits.

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ALL i can feel more or less is doing it?!!?

hey within nothing wrong with that it's approaching mine grow over night hey your not alone but its mormal

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Normal and peanut butter won't help!

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I own to shave everyday! So if you can get away with once a week, you know more than I do LOL

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wow i enjoy to shave my legs every single day. your lucky. um i guess you could try nair or veet or waxing.

Brown time of year?

Mine grow support like, the next daytime -_-

Ok i entail some poeple next to well brought-up direction please (graphic)?

If it's taking a whole week, you are VERY lucky!!!

Why are my nipples so itchy?

go adjectives naturel

Is it unusual to shave your vagina at an hasty age?

Just get them waxed!It last for ages longer.

Orange poo...?

use nair..

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Uhm birth control = pregnant?! what?!?
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