Boys, a ask give or take a few a womans digit...?

if a girl has abit of a belly like not portly rolls or anything but just abit of meat, do you find that attractive or would you rather her own a washboard stomach?

I started taking Ortho Evra Patch birthcontrol but?

wouldnt be a problem, nothing wrong with " a bit of meat ", thats the route people are supposed to be!!

Had sex first time during time of year, used condom. what are my likelihood of man pregnant?

i have no rolls
i enjoy nice abs.

theyre not too defined
but they ae definitely defined.
and my pelvic bones dont stick out.
my stomach is completey flat except where you see my abs.
AND i work out
anyone elsee out at hand who doesnt is just lazy

I enjoy an appointment to win a procedure done but i am not sure what its call...?

I would own thought that it would be her personality that counted not whether she had a bit of a tummy or not.

Is it regular at this age?

I wouldnt mind if here wasnt too much fat on there

Woman grill?

I don't mind a girl beside some tummy at all. I think it's sexy. I don't approaching it when the pelvic bones stick out.

Liposuction, Breast Augmentation...?

some guys call it a peter belly but i think its sexy

Doctors, please answer this.?

Vagina - the labia i have an idea that its call ..?
Soft poo? give a hand pls?
Whats the difference between uti,bladder infection,length or kidney infection??
  • Why do i requirement to waite the sunday after im past its sell-by date my time to start birth controll pills?
  • My girl friend is bleeding from her vagina?

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