Embarrassing cross-examine...?

Hi. I recently turned 18 and for my birthday, my friends thought it'd be fun to get me a vibrator. I wasn't planning on using it, but after I did. This was roughly two weeks ago.
Today, I got my length. When I was putting in my tampon, I notice that - whereas last month, the tampon felt big and intrusive - I could not quite feel it. I'm really worried that I've gotten loose, or big.
I'm a virgin, except for the vibe, and I don't want a guy to not believe me because I'm not as tight as I should be.
What can I do to make myself tight again?

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you can't you aren't loose or big. relations make the impression that if you don't own sex for a while that you will become tight again...it wont happen, if you haven't "popped the cherry" then your still tight and it will still be pleasurable...in truth masturbation is a good thing if you are a virgin...consequently it won't hurt as bad or even at all when you do enjoy sex

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Maybe you are just getting used to the size of the tampon. I would suggest that you only use the vibrator on your clitoris and not put it inside you if you are concerned give or take a few making yourself looser. You will still enjoy it, trust me ;-) You can also do kegel exercises to make yourself surface tighter. I put a link that gives you more information roughly speaking it if you don't already do them. The second link is awesome. I know you will love it!

Is it undisruptive to wear tampons stale your time?

they wont think your not a virgin merely because you've used a vibrator. Jeez, just dont be like "oh, i never touch myself, im not similar to that" lol

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You are not loose or big. Your body is just more used the feeling something within there, now. You don't own anything to worry about.

Need answers?

you dont achieve loose after one use of a vibrator.it would take alota uses

What could I enjoy?

dont worry nearly it its just ur bodies way of getting se to some entity going in and out

Help please!?

u r just used to haveing something within their. don't worry.

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