First kiss??? helpp!!?

my boyfriend and i are going to the beach together next week and he keep saying he wants to kiss me, and i wanna kiss him too. it would be my first kiss and im kinda anxious.. i dont know what to do

ughhhhhh please help

Answers:    relax and let him kiss you next kiss him back..
Its ok that your scared, believe me that only makes it better when you look back on it! If your boyfriend is not latest to it, then just relate him its your first kiss, and ask him to be gentle! That will make him consistency more self confident anyway, and probably make for an even more special moment. There really isn't any right or wrong way to kiss though, so of late do what feels right. If you are both new to the kissing scene consequently just take it slow and try to style guru which way he moves his face, so you don't enjoy a head on collision, funny, but a little shameful! LOL! Don't worry, you'll do fine, and it will be a special moment that you will always remember! ~Good luck and God bless! economically if it's just a loving little peck, just kiss him how you would kiss your mom. but if he desires a big make-out session, be prepared to use some tongue. There's no science to kissing, it's all about the art. Just start beside some lip on lip. If he gets into it, then of late kinda move your tongue to the front of your mouth. Push against his lips, and if he's ready, he'll tolerate your tongue in. Once your in, after just kinda move your tongue around his mouth slowly. DO NOT STOP MOVING THE TONGUE! If he wants to explore your mouth, after let him in, consequently shove his tongue out playfully with yours. Just do what comes naturally to you.
ahhh yes the first kiss. I'm 41 and I still remember it close to yesterday.
Don't worry it comes pretty naturally. Let him head and you'll catch on. Do what you see the girls do on T.V. Practice on mirror, or your hand. The thought of it is usually track more nerve wracking then the kiss itself. Enjoy. :) Kissing comes inherently anyway. Just go with the motion.
There is no wrong or right opening to do a kiss you'll just know what to do when the time comes,..
it will come all massively natural when you are there and he is within i don't even think that moment is explainable but you just know, it is lately instinct just make sure specifically all that happens!! :) YU WiLL NO WEN YAll ARE ABOUt 2 KiSS
lOl YU WiLL lIKE iT.

give an account him you want to take it slow and then kiss him lean within and BAM MAKEOUT!.
You're a girl! just let the guy do adjectives the work, don't worry. just kiss him and u would know wat to do subsequent!! =].
dont worry about it, it comes automatic.
youll be fine!

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