After taking plan B?

... I read a lot of woman get nausea and abdominal pains after taking it,
The nurse told me adjectives of my side receive i might receive.
My friend told me she felt constantly sick and dizzy.

well i did not own one side effect...
what does this mean? Nothing at all?

Answers:    Everybody responds to medication differently.

When they relate you the possible side effects, the keyword is possible.

Don't worry about it..
Lucky you.. I'm jelous.. I look it when i be 17 after an accident and i felt approaching ****. I almost threw up except that i took gravol like they told me to 20 mins before. in the order of 45 minutes after i took it i got dizzy, etc and i actually passed out surrounded by my dinner at the table (my parents didnt know i took it).. so i went to my room and tried not to throw up... that was going on for 4pm and i slept through til i had to take the second slice.. then i passed right out again.
IT WAS HELL. So lucky you.
One of my friends took gravol and still threw up.
i had no side effects when i took it. they hold to put everyone on there to avoid law suits and to glibness people's fear if they have those

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