Where be you when you started your tremendously first time????

were you at the mall? At home? At academy? Etc... Just curious trying to figure out the most common place. I'm a girl btw.
Thanx so much

Answers:    I be at the airport with my mom picking up some family friends who have just gotten back from a mission trip. The kinfolk was all guys. And afterwards we went to eat at a restaurant. There be nothing I could do about it until I get home. It was really bad..
Lol, interesting examine.

So, I was in time off with my mum in Spain, and we be in Barcelona, at a McDonald's, and I went to the bathroom, and I notice a small stain of blood on my underwear. I was 12 then. I get really scared and I didn't tell my mum until we be back at the hotel, and I made a little "play": I be in the bathroom, and I made a surprised face and "uhh-ooh", and mum give me pads immediately.

Hope it be a nice story, anyway,

I was in a 1978 station articulated vehicle, faded blue. It was July and hot as anything. I was beside my mom, step dad, 2 brothers and lil sis. we were on hwy 41 in California going from Coursegold to Fresno GRRR i be hurting way bad, WAY BAD i asked if we could stop at this lil gas station in the neighbourhood the turnoff for Madera, past road 200. I thought my tummy was going to drip out of my body it hurt so bad! I made it to the restroom without messing up my shorts THANK GOD! and thank God i carried pad. I got back contained by the car and said i have cramps so impossible mom can you get me some tyolnol please. She did go within and get some, my brothers started to tease me, (we adjectives know about the birds and bees) I punched them both in the arm and told them girls on period kill guys if they get too batty, they shut up. I was not ashamed at all. I know i be a girl and i knew it was going to crop up. I was 13. It was 17 years ago. I still remember clear as if it be yesterday. i....was at school ;( i be so scared because my teacher be a guy and ididnt want to tell him whhy i had to turn to the nurses office..so i just get up and left and started running down the hall to the nurse she tolerate me call my mom then i go home it was so embarrising cauz i had red on my pant [they were white] my teach spanking new!!.
I was at home. my mom had told me around it and had a pack of pads so when it happen i would be ready. the only doomed to failure part was that it be one day getting ready for institution and my mom wasnt home. me kind of knowing but still scared at indistinguishable time. I tried to hide my cloths from my dad because i really didnt know what to tell him. lol he started panic, going crazy..i can laugh now but it be an experience to remember.
At home!
Oh my Gosh! When I got it I was smiling and crying at indistinguishable time. Because I was becoming a women (smiling) and I didnt want to go through adjectives the hassle that would last till im 50! (crying)
And my mom was on break, so i had to use toilet paper pad, for 2 weeks! =[.
6th period at school. p.e.
thank god it be my last class!
but it really isnt that bad if you havent have it yet.
everyone is saying "thank god" because they didnt want to obverse the embarrasment of other people.
I am one of those people. :D.
I get my period when I was 13. It happen to me when I went to the toilet after I woke up that morning. I was at joyful that it happened to me at home and it was during conservatory holidays.

Good luck :).
It was christmas morning and i sled down our linolium floor to get to my presents and nearby was skid marks of blood.I thought i have cut my leg.How innocent of a 10 year was I. Out at the park watching fireworks on July 4 with my relations and about 10,000 other people. LOL And on a holiday for more or less the next 3-4 months, too. .
Mine Just happened!
It happen Tuesday the 12.
Mine Start in the middle of the night when i be sleeping .
at night. The first time was brownish so when i woke up and saw that my panties be brown i told my mom I had diarrhea! lmao. she laughed and bought me pad. I was at home, getting ready to nick a bath, and was so startled that I dropped my panties surrounded by the tub..
I was at my neighbors house helping my sister babysit. I was 11 and I be so scared! school it really sucked to it be only a little but i be to embarrassed to even go to the nurse! dumb huh!!.
I must hold been at school.I go to the bathroom as soon as I came home and noticed it. I only just got it today!
Thank God I was at home and not somewhere else!
In arts school, fliriting with my boyfriend.. I was so damn embarising. Like a pool of blood underneath me..
i be at home! thank the lord it didn't happen anywhere else!.
at "the front room" (a restraunt i go to often) my house
man be I lucky!
but i kinda had the feeling I be getting it that day. My stomache felt chance.

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