Fgm? womanly genital mutation?

okay. so what exactly is it? is it just cutting stale the clitoris? why do people do it? and is it legal within the us? i read it in a magazine but it didnt give too much info.

Is within any danger to?

It vary from removing the clitoral hood to removing the clitoris to removing all or part of the labia and possible sewing whats moved out together with a small opening to allow menstrual blood and urine to surpass. The reasons vary from simple tradition to thinking it prevents disease, to promoting chastity and fidelity. No it is not endorsed in the US and is also illegal within may of the countries where is it unfortunately still practiced.

Zitty cleavage!?

this is what i found:

ritual surgical procedure that have traditionally been performed within order to guard a girl’s virginity and to reduce her sexual desire. In writ to fulfill these goals, the procedure is generally perform on girls between the ages of six and nine, although it may be performed on older or younger girls as capably.

Female circumcision

i am almost 100% sure it is not legal in the US.
and is practiced contained by sparce regions of the world.

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it is female Circumsizion and if it is okay for dudes to have it done as adjectives the females in Mens health voice that it must be done then it should be okay for Females to have it done? stuff can go and get into the folds and it could be dirty and stink. at least that is what the women read out about the dudes

curtdude does not condone circumsizion of any kind masculine or female it is just another Dr money pocket item

This is a really discomfited request for information to ask but...?

It is most certainly Female Circumcision, in any of its brutal and cruel forms. Whether it only just be the removal of a small amount of tissue or the entire labia and clitoris. It is a form of male dominance over women in some countries and moderately frankly it shouldn't be allowed at all. It is done to girls as young as 11 FGS.

Menstruation ?

It is mutalation, not mutiation. And Its when they remove the outer labia (lips) and the clitorous. Its horrible. The individuals that do it claim it removes the sex drive so that girls won't have sex...unlike male mutation which have a pupose to help keep the beneficiary clean to reduce germs and such, next to women it makes it worse. I hope in the years to come that it is disallowed in those poor countires

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It is the removal of the clitoris!! It is nomrally done in societies where on earth women have zero rights and where on earth women should only procreate and not enjoy seuxal accomplishments!


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