Question around my sexual encounter?

me and my gf had sex 11 days ago shes been response bloated and cramping evernow and then her boobs hurt and shes moody shes been close to this since about 5 or 6 days after we had sex she took morning after and i used a condom but it may hold leaked coudl sahe be pregnant or just something like to get her period she be supossed ot get it aroudn this time and we had sex on the 18 does that lessen the probability any ?

Is this a PMS?

The morning after pill (aka Plan B) really messes up the cycle since it is essentially a large dose of hormones.

She shouldn't have done Plan B unless you be fairly certain that the condom broke/leaked. It isn't supposed to be birth control.

Also matter where she was surrounded by her cycle before the encounter/Plan B. Did she follow the directions closely on the Plan B?

It is unlikely she is pregnant but your over-reaction to everything suggests that you two aren't ready for the consequences of have sex and should consider backing off.

biddable luck!

I don't resembling to move during intercourse, is this usual?

she needs to take a pregnancy oral exam. cause their definatly is a chance

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